Tips & Talk 110 – 32 Questions

I’ve heard it said that the answers you seek in life are only as good as the questions you ask. Because so much goes on in our heads, sometimes our thoughts are trying to answer the wrong questions. Or you get in a brain spin and ideas go round and round randomly without even attempting…

Tips & Talk 97 – But Do You Really Need It?

Here’s a thought to keep in mind as you go about upgrading your business processes in the months ahead. It will make you smarter with your decisions and save you time and money because it prevents you from piling up unnecessary costs without realizing it. Skill and feature creep happens when you add new things…

Tips & Talk 96 – Goals Only Work if You Do THIS

Getting your dreams on paper makes them more likely to come true. Setting intentions is the direct path to manifesting what you want. Journaling, creating a vision board or closing your eyes and imagining yourself achieving what you’ve set out to do are various actions to take as you let your dreams swirl around in…

403 – What Will the Chapters of Your Life Be in 2023? with Jen Hardy

Have you ever wished you could somehow redo your life without all the challenges that you had to overcome? The reality is, even if we wish for it, nobody signed an agreement with us that all our days will be smooth and happy. Not one person on earth gets that luxury (although some lives are…

402 – How to Live a More Enriched and Peaceful Life with Teresa McCloy

It’s Christmas Eve! And I always love to give you something extra special for the holidays. In years past, we’ve had some Christmas stories from author Heidi Swain, an explanation for holiday traditions that might surprise you, a popular Christmas poem (revised by yours truly) to reflect small handmade businesses, and some other fun spins…