Tips & Talk 107 – The Truth (Illusion) About Growing Your Business

This desire to stretch for more and more has been ingrained in us over the decades. The thinking that bigger is better. You were exhilarated when you made your first sale. And from there the focus was on getting another sale … and then another one. And when that happens, then you start thinking about…

Tips & Talk 97 – But Do You Really Need It?

Here’s a thought to keep in mind as you go about upgrading your business processes in the months ahead. It will make you smarter with your decisions and save you time and money because it prevents you from piling up unnecessary costs without realizing it. Skill and feature creep happens when you add new things…

Tips & Talk 96 – Goals Only Work if You Do THIS

Getting your dreams on paper makes them more likely to come true. Setting intentions is the direct path to manifesting what you want. Journaling, creating a vision board or closing your eyes and imagining yourself achieving what you’ve set out to do are various actions to take as you let your dreams swirl around in…

Tips & Talk 85 – The Very First Question Every Time Should Be …

This one tip will save you an enormous amount of time and your sanity. It will give purpose to your efforts or help you catch yourself if your intended actions aren’t even necessary. This should happen very time you’re about to embark on a new project regardless of its size. It could be huge, like…

384 – BASH – The How, What and When for Hiring Help

You know what successful business owners say when I ask what they’d do differently if they were starting again? Hire help sooner.  Are you surprised? For some reason, we get it in our minds that hiring an employee is reserved only for those who have grown to a certain level. But the truth is –…