Tips & Talk 97 – But Do You Really Need It?

Here’s a thought to keep in mind as you go about upgrading your business processes in the months ahead. It will make you smarter with your decisions and save you time and money because it prevents you from piling up unnecessary costs without realizing it. Skill and feature creep happens when you add new things…

Tips & Talk 59 – When is it Okay to Procrastinate?

Would you categorize yourself as a procrastinator? When I think about people I know, I can see how they do lean one way or another. On the extremes, there’s the excessive planner. Someone who has everything buttoned up way before a due date. And then there’s the “get it done at the last minute” style.…

Tips & Talk 54 – Supercharge Your Productivity

The key to super charge your productivity lies in one simple 5-letter word. L-I-S-T-S! I bet you’ve heard the term Operating Procedures. In essence, each Operating Procedure is a list of documented activities to perform any function within your business. They are particularly beneficial if a task is repetitive. That way you don’t have to…

Tips & Talk 47 – How to Scale Your Handmade Product Business

Some makers are wonderfully content with a handmade business that balances nicely with the other priorities in their life. They get fulfillment and happiness in the process of making and never want to grow to the point where they can’t do that anymore. But, let’s say, you’ve decided “YES!” you want to grow your business…

Tips & Talk 39 – Grab My Personal Holiday Gift Planner (FREE)

Little did I know then but 12 years old, I created my first process. It was a system to run through each and every holiday season to ensure all gifts were purchased, wrapped and ready. This was prompted due to a disaster I share in the podcast. Over the years, it’s been perfected to include…