Tips & Talk 74 – What’s Your One Burning Question?
What if you could jump on the phone with me for a quick 10-minute conversation? Now you can. Ask my opinion of a website platform you’re considering. Want thoughts about how to get stronger results from an upcoming craft show? Or maybe it’s an overall strategy discussion. Whatever’s on your mind. The second I learned…
Tips & Talk 73 – Do You Know About Your Untapped Powers?
I know for a fact that you have special powers you aren’t using. If you tap into them, they’ll make you and your business more personal, memorable and shareable. The best thing about these powers of yours is that you don’t need to act like someone you’re not. You don’t to invent scenarios you think…
Tips & Talk 69 – Are You in Control of Your Business?
Tips & Talk 68 – 7 Business Best Practices You Should Know
A few weeks back I was at a podcasting conference called Podfest. Seriously one of the best events I’ve ever attended in terms of learning timely and relevant new things and meeting the most incredible people. How does this apply to you? You’re not a podcaster (most likely) but, I see applications that most definitely…