Tips & Talk 70 – This Drives Me Crazy and Isn’t Good for You Either!

It makes me crazy every time I encounter it – and it’s a lot! There are two reasons this frustrates me so much. First, I’m stopped in my tracks from being able to move forward at all and second, so are you! All attempts at making connections and progress with this strategy in your business…

Tips & Talk 20 – Here’s Why You Aren’t Getting Sales on Your Website

Getting people to come over to your website is one thing. But that’s only the first step. Once they’re on your site, how do you keep them there and direct them to the ultimate goal … making a purchase? Here are 7 Barriers that may be lurking on your website preventing a sale from taking…

Tips & Talk 19 – 3 Easy Ways to Get Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials can be the deciding factor that prompts someone to make the decision to buy. The fact that Amazon uses this strategy tells you it works. But getting people to give a testimonial is difficult … for the buyer and the seller. Here are 3 easy ways to start capturing reviews and then how…

Tips & Talk 17 – What To Do with Your Online Biz While on Vacation

Running your own business doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all life has to offer. And part of that is taking time away for yourself, your family and your customers.

Relaxing breaks away are rejuevenating and even allow for renewed creativity and excitement for your business. Here’s how to do this without losing customers and sales.