385 – How Your Behaviors Affect Your Mental Health with Renee Reisch

Today’s show is really important because it contains a serious and potential life-transforming message. It’s a discussion on how your lifestyle and the behaviors you’ve adopted into your being affect your health and the way you show up in your world. I’ll go so far as to say how they affect your potential for success,…

Tips & Talk 71 – Personal Reflections on the Highland Park, IL Mass Shooting

You hear about these events on the news, see the horror and sympathize with those involved. You may even know someone affected by a violent event and reach out to help, or offer financial support. There’s anger, frustration and lots of conversation asking “How we can allow these things to continue to happen? This is…

Tips & Talk 59 – When is it Okay to Procrastinate?

Would you categorize yourself as a procrastinator? When I think about people I know, I can see how they do lean one way or another. On the extremes, there’s the excessive planner. Someone who has everything buttoned up way before a due date. And then there’s the “get it done at the last minute” style.…

Tips & Talk 54 – Supercharge Your Productivity

The key to super charge your productivity lies in one simple 5-letter word. L-I-S-T-S! I bet you’ve heard the term Operating Procedures. In essence, each Operating Procedure is a list of documented activities to perform any function within your business. They are particularly beneficial if a task is repetitive. That way you don’t have to…

Tips & Talk 49 – Simplify Your Life – STOP Making Decisions!

Do you feel like your life has become way too complicated? There are so many decisions to make, issues to consider, chores to get done, activities and doctor appointments to schedule AND all the tasks associated with your business. As adults we make 35,000 decisions a day! Couple this with Decision Fatigue – per psychiatrist…