417 – The Role of Your Website in Your Handmade Product Business

What is the role of your website in your handmade product business? Let’s talk about this, because my answer may surprise you. The biggest misconception of eCommerce is the idea that putting up a website is the “do all, end all” of getting sales online. In reality, it’s just the beginning. Many people are shocked…

Tips & Talk 109 – The BEST Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Sales

There are lots of ways to increase your sales but today I’m going to tell you what I believe to be the number one thing you should be doing to see your orders increase. What I have to say is going to be controversial because it goes against natural inclinations. It will feel like you’re…

Tips & Talk 107 – The Truth (Illusion) About Growing Your Business

This desire to stretch for more and more has been ingrained in us over the decades. The thinking that bigger is better. You were exhilarated when you made your first sale. And from there the focus was on getting another sale … and then another one. And when that happens, then you start thinking about…

Tips & Talk 106 – A Different Way to Look at Your Competition

Competition is not something you need to fear. There are actually advantages to being in a well-known and established industry. I explain why and how to look at your competition differently. The emotion and feeling of discomfort comes up when you don’t have a plan to tackle competitive situations. Here’s why competition is a good…

Tips & Talk 104 – A Discussion on Large versus Small Craft Shows

We are so lucky in our industry of handmade to have what feels like endless options for face-to face-selling. Today let’s talk about the size of a show and how that can affect your success. You may initially thing that larger shows will bring greater results but that’s not always the case. Both large and…