Tips & Talk 96 – Goals Only Work if You Do THIS

Getting your dreams on paper makes them more likely to come true. Setting intentions is the direct path to manifesting what you want. Journaling, creating a vision board or closing your eyes and imagining yourself achieving what you’ve set out to do are various actions to take as you let your dreams swirl around in…

Tips & Talk 95 – Are You Being a Responsible Guardian of Your Business?

Starting a business is often compared to having another child. You’re responsible for its vitality and the one who sets the vision, plans the strategy and has the final vote on all the decisions. The life of your business is in your hands. Have you ever thought about it this way? And along with that,…

Tips & Talk 93 – How Best to Listen to THIS Podcast

Whether you are a first time listener or have been with me from the very beginning, the amount of content here can be overwhelming. How do you find an episode you heard a while back and now want to revisit? Or what if you’re after a specific topic that didn’t apply when it first aired…