393 – BOOST – Pricing for Retail and Wholesale with Gail Berardo

Do you ever think about what you’ll do after you retire? Because (especially if you work a nine-to-five for someone else), that day will eventually come. Today, I talk with Gail Berardo of EveMichael Designs. Gail has been in business for a while at this point, working it around her full-time job. But now that…

Tips & Talk 85 – The Very First Question Every Time Should Be …

This one tip will save you an enormous amount of time and your sanity. It will give purpose to your efforts or help you catch yourself if your intended actions aren’t even necessary. This should happen very time you’re about to embark on a new project regardless of its size. It could be huge, like…

Tips & Talk 84 – How I Started My First Business

My goal in sharing my business startup experience is to get you thinking about what you do or want to do in a whole new way. I share 5 significant things for you to ponder: 1.    You don’t need to wait for anyone’s permission to start your business 2.    Before you start, think of what you want…

Tips & Talk 82 – How to Find Good Blog Topics

What should you write about in your blog when you’re a maker and sell your handmade products? Your blog should compliment your business goals in some way. Attract new customers, inform, educate, answer FAQ’s or share other information your reader will find valuable. Plus, the most important part … it should be SEO friendly. All…

Tips & Talk 81 – Why NOW is the Time

Let’s talk about why now is the most opportune time to get moving on your business. If you’re just starting – it’s the moment to flip that switch on. And if you’ve stalled out or pressed pause for whatever reason – it’s time to reignite that forward momentum. Here are four reasons why you shouldn’t…