Tips & Talk 79 – On Being Second

My favorite number is 2. You’d think it would be number 1, right? I mean, who doesn’t want to be at the top, in the lead, “the winner” if you will? But there are some definite advantages to being second. And no matter how big you get, there will always be times when you don’t…

Tips & Talk 78 -10 Things I Learned as a Chicago Bears NFL Cheerleader

This cheerleading thing probably comes as no surprise if you’ve been hanging out with me for a while. I’m an eternal optimist. I love to cheer people on. I’m okay with attention and I love football. I’ve thought about sharing this NFL cheerleading experience with you for a while. As I reflect on my journey…

Tips & Talk 75 – All About Naming Your Business

Today I’m going to give you a number of things to consider while you’re brainstorming the name for your business. But I would be doing you a disservice if I didn’t remind you that this is NOT the first thing you should do when thinking about starting your business. The very first thing when considering…

382 – Is it Time to Close Down Your Business? with Arin Wensley

What if you start your own business, selling a product you’ve always loved making as a hobby, but now you find it’s not what you expected? 👎 Maybe it takes way more time than you thought it would … 👎 Perhaps you’ve realized the activities involved in running a business don’t make you happy ……

Tips & Talk 74 – What’s Your One Burning Question?

What if you could jump on the phone with me for a quick 10-minute conversation? Now you can. Ask my opinion of a website platform you’re considering. Want thoughts about how to get stronger results from an upcoming craft show? Or maybe it’s an overall strategy discussion. Whatever’s on your mind. The second I learned…