Tips & Talk 99 – How Will It Fail? And I’m Not Talking About Your Business …

How will it fail? At first glance, you may think I’m referring to the success of your business. Actually, I’m not. I’m talking about your product. And now you’re saying, “Not MY product!” I make it myself with quality materials not to mention my top-notch professional creation skills. Hold tight. I know all this is…

Tips & Talk 92 – How to Negotiate with Customers

Negotiating is a valuable skill to have. It’s made strongest when you think about and plan for it ahead of time. By having strategies and pre thought through actions in your back pocket, you won’t give away the house or feel taken advantage of. Instead, you can lead the conversation, offer options that fit the…

Tips & Talk 89 – It Only Takes 5 Minutes to Make a Major Impact

What would it be like if you could own a spot in someone’s mind where, whenever they thought of you, it brought up warm positive feelings. Wouldn’t it be something if you could have this effect on the people you interact with each day in your business? Imagine what it could do for your sales!…

Tips & Talk 65 – What To Do About Your Lurkers

People come in your shop or show booth, pick things up, chat for a while and don’t buy. Or your Facebook page has hundreds or even thousands of followers, many who contribute by posting and commenting but they never support you through sales or take part in your special promotions. Or there’s a lot of…