Tips & Talk 109 – The BEST Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Sales

There are lots of ways to increase your sales but today I’m going to tell you what I believe to be the number one thing you should be doing to see your orders increase. What I have to say is going to be controversial because it goes against natural inclinations. It will feel like you’re…

Tips & Talk 104 – A Discussion on Large versus Small Craft Shows

We are so lucky in our industry of handmade to have what feels like endless options for face-to face-selling. Today let’s talk about the size of a show and how that can affect your success. You may initially thing that larger shows will bring greater results but that’s not always the case. Both large and…

389 – BASH – How to Handle Product Donation Requests

By nature of being a product-based business owner, you WILL be approached to donate to an event or cause at some point. It’s inevitable. And while I know in your heart that you’d like to give to everyone … as a business owner, you need to balance these requests with sound business choices. In today’s…

Tips & Talk 64 – 5 Craft Show Tips You’ve Never Heard Before

Craft shows can be the lifeblood of a handmade product business. It’s the easiest way to find and interact with people, get feedback on your products and the most immediate way to bring in sales. PLUS – no shipping time or delivery costs! We’re not going to talk about the basics of participating in a…

Tips & Talk 60 – 4 Steps to Turn “No” into “Yes”

“No” feels terrible. It’s a rejection. And who likes to be rejected? Most likely your reaction to the word “no” is to shut down. You feel defeat with whatever possibilities the “no” shut out. And to protect yourself, you give up on the person who made you feel bad and you move on to other…