Tips & Talk 109 – The BEST Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Sales

There are lots of ways to increase your sales but today I’m going to tell you what I believe to be the number one thing you should be doing to see your orders increase. What I have to say is going to be controversial because it goes against natural inclinations. It will feel like you’re…

Tips & Talk 104 – A Discussion on Large versus Small Craft Shows

We are so lucky in our industry of handmade to have what feels like endless options for face-to face-selling. Today let’s talk about the size of a show and how that can affect your success. You may initially thing that larger shows will bring greater results but that’s not always the case. Both large and…

411 – 150 Craft Shows in 3 Years! with Grant and Jennifer Anderson

This week’s show is pretty exciting. As you saw from the title, my guests have participated in 150 in-person shows over just the past 3 years! Given that level of activity, you know they have a ton of experience and a wealth of insights to share. You’ll also hear about their unexpected start in business,…

Tips & Talk 81 – Why NOW is the Time

Let’s talk about why now is the most opportune time to get moving on your business. If you’re just starting – it’s the moment to flip that switch on. And if you’ve stalled out or pressed pause for whatever reason – it’s time to reignite that forward momentum. Here are four reasons why you shouldn’t…

Tips & Talk 64 – 5 Craft Show Tips You’ve Never Heard Before

Craft shows can be the lifeblood of a handmade product business. It’s the easiest way to find and interact with people, get feedback on your products and the most immediate way to bring in sales. PLUS – no shipping time or delivery costs! We’re not going to talk about the basics of participating in a…