Tips & Talk 60 – 4 Steps to Turn “No” into “Yes”
Tips & Talk 52 – How Good is Your Customer Service? Really?
I heard something a long time ago, during my corporate days, and it’s one of those statements that holds true over time. “Don’t tell people you have great customer service, show them.” It’s too easy to talk about a level of care and service you offer your customers. Let’s face it, everyone does that. But…
353 – So You Think You’ve Tried Everything to Get People to Buy? with Matt and Layne of Obsessed With Markets
Tips & Talk 24 – Competition! Now What?
Tips & Talk 9 – Craft Show Convo Part 4 – Social Media’s Role in a Craft Show
Instead of thinking about craft shows as a stand alone sales generator. I want you to start considering all the tools in your arsenal and layering them on top of each other. That’s what you do when you combine social media on top of craft shows, farmer’s markets or church bazaars. Have you heard the…