416 – Raise Your Radiance to Raise Your Revenue with Angela Jia Kim

Today’s episode is guaranteed to bring more beauty and richness into your life. This show is a special one because it brings two different but connected messages your way. An inspiring start-up story that illustrates just how far you can go starting from your home. We also explore the ancient Korean belief about health and…

403 – What Will the Chapters of Your Life Be in 2023? with Jen Hardy

Have you ever wished you could somehow redo your life without all the challenges that you had to overcome? The reality is, even if we wish for it, nobody signed an agreement with us that all our days will be smooth and happy. Not one person on earth gets that luxury (although some lives are…

402 – How to Live a More Enriched and Peaceful Life with Teresa McCloy

It’s Christmas Eve! And I always love to give you something extra special for the holidays. In years past, we’ve had some Christmas stories from author Heidi Swain, an explanation for holiday traditions that might surprise you, a popular Christmas poem (revised by yours truly) to reflect small handmade businesses, and some other fun spins…

Tips & Talk 90 – My Happy List and Why It’s Important

Why am I sharing my favorite daily life things with you? Because I want you to think about yours! I found that once I wrote down this list, I gained even more pleasure in all the activities. I’d say to myself, this is one of the things on my list. How fortunate am I right…

385 – How Your Behaviors Affect Your Mental Health with Renee Reisch

Today’s show is really important because it contains a serious and potential life-transforming message. It’s a discussion on how your lifestyle and the behaviors you’ve adopted into your being affect your health and the way you show up in your world. I’ll go so far as to say how they affect your potential for success,…