Tips & Talk 105 – The Power of Being Likeable

Being likeable. Sometimes that’s all you need to make a sale. And if you describe yourself as an introvert, this is a reason to push past this self-limiting label. Because you have no chance of being likeable if someone doesn’t have the ability to get to know you. 95% of buying decisions are made based…

Tips & Talk 103 – Increase Your Confidence and Enthusiasm

Do you underestimate confidence and enthusiasm? I realize these are two entirely separate things, but they do go hand in hand in your business and can seriously impact your progress and the success you’ll see in the long run. Let’s define each of these first – so we’re on the same page in terms of…

401 – Influencer Marketing – Word of Mouth at Scale with Yash Chavan

I’m sure you’ve seen an influencer on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube share a product, and then their fans all rush out and buy it. Imagine how that would feel if it were YOUR product being shared! That’s what today’s episode is all about – how you can multiply the power of word of mouth by…

Tips & Talk 60 – 4 Steps to Turn “No” into “Yes”

“No” feels terrible. It’s a rejection. And who likes to be rejected? Most likely your reaction to the word “no” is to shut down. You feel defeat with whatever possibilities the “no” shut out. And to protect yourself, you give up on the person who made you feel bad and you move on to other…