Tips & Talk 78 -10 Things I Learned as a Chicago Bears NFL Cheerleader

This cheerleading thing probably comes as no surprise if you’ve been hanging out with me for a while. I’m an eternal optimist. I love to cheer people on. I’m okay with attention and I love football. I’ve thought about sharing this NFL cheerleading experience with you for a while. As I reflect on my journey…

Tips & Talk 71 – Personal Reflections on the Highland Park, IL Mass Shooting

You hear about these events on the news, see the horror and sympathize with those involved. You may even know someone affected by a violent event and reach out to help, or offer financial support. There’s anger, frustration and lots of conversation asking “How we can allow these things to continue to happen? This is…

Tips & Talk 56 – At What Point Do You Turn Pro?

At what point in your business do you turn from a hobbyist to a pro? And why does this even matter? In today’s show I give an example of a maker’s journey, at what point they become a specialist (or pro) and most importantly, what actions to take to incorporate this into your business for…

Tips & Talk 55 – Are You Missing this Critical Selling Skill?

In this episode I give you 5 tips to get your listening skills up to par. Listening is a skill that seems so elementary but is often completely ignored. The next time you’re engaged in a conversation, observe your own behavior to check in on your listening skills. Sure, you may be hearing what someone…