Tips & Talk 25 – Let’s Rank Your Confidence Level

Certainly this varies from day to day and in different situations, but having a solid level of confidence overall is necessary in order to be a successful business owner. Small handmade product businesses in particular need a leader who projects confidence. You are the focal point as the maker right beside your fabulous products. Pulling…

Tips & Talk 17 – What To Do with Your Online Biz While on Vacation

Running your own business doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all life has to offer. And part of that is taking time away for yourself, your family and your customers.

Relaxing breaks away are rejuevenating and even allow for renewed creativity and excitement for your business. Here’s how to do this without losing customers and sales.

Tips & Talk 11 – Take the Two Word Challenge with Me

Take the 2 Word Challenge! By eliminating these two words from your vocabulary, you’ll become a stronger, more purposeful communicator and create an achievability mindset. People are more likely to listen to what you have to say and you’ll be seen as more professional too. Are you taking me up on this challenge? Let me…