Tips & Talk 100 – I Had No Idea …

Regardless of what you make, there’s a skill that you’ve had to perfect. There are certain critical production points or special additions you include that make your creations extra special. There are cooling times, temperature levels, material quality specs, and interesting tools of the trade. Showing these things to your customers, things they’d never have…

Tips & Talk 99 – How Will It Fail? And I’m Not Talking About Your Business …

How will it fail? At first glance, you may think I’m referring to the success of your business. Actually, I’m not. I’m talking about your product. And now you’re saying, “Not MY product!” I make it myself with quality materials not to mention my top-notch professional creation skills. Hold tight. I know all this is…

Tips & Talk 91 – Expect THIS to Happen

Expect this to happen after you start. And you’re not alone, it happens to everyone. What am I talking about? Heidi who started making wedding accessories and now sells holiday ornaments and diy kits boutiques. Sheila who started a gift basket business out of her house and now owns a building that includes a home…