Tips & Talk 55 – Are You Missing this Critical Selling Skill?

In this episode I give you 5 tips to get your listening skills up to par. Listening is a skill that seems so elementary but is often completely ignored. The next time you’re engaged in a conversation, observe your own behavior to check in on your listening skills. Sure, you may be hearing what someone…

Tips & Talk 53 – Fleeting Moments – A Way to Spice Up Your Maker Biz

Today we’re talking about the value of a fleeting moment how it’s a strategic way to create anticipation and desire for your products. Instead of having the same offerings month after month (except for holiday designs – that’s obvious) why not strategically plan limited time offers into your business? CONNECT with me here: Website | Facebook…

Tips & Talk 52 – How Good is Your Customer Service? Really?

I heard something a long time ago, during my corporate days, and it’s one of those statements that holds true over time. “Don’t tell people you have great customer service, show them.” It’s too easy to talk about a level of care and service you offer your customers. Let’s face it, everyone does that. But…