Tips & Talk 89 – It Only Takes 5 Minutes to Make a Major Impact

What would it be like if you could own a spot in someone’s mind where, whenever they thought of you, it brought up warm positive feelings. Wouldn’t it be something if you could have this effect on the people you interact with each day in your business? Imagine what it could do for your sales!…

396 – Find the Words to Spice Up your Brand with Lucy Bedewi

Whether talking or typing, do you use the same words over and over again? I definitely catch myself doing this. They’re not bad words but they’ve become boring with overuse even though they’re authentic and heartfelt. The truth is – we can all do better to bring more spice to our messaging. And that’s what…

Tips & Talk 88 – How Many Customers Do You Need?

How many customers you really need to reach your sales goals? Knowing this can help guide your sales activities and reduce the overwhelm that comes with ambiguity – not knowing where you’ll find people to buy your products and leaving things up to chance. This number is also the basis for gaining confidence because you…

395 – Can I Be On Both Shopify And Etsy? With Heidi Wicks

Do you wonder whether to use Etsy or Shopify for your handmade business? Guess what? You don’t have to choose – you can do both! My guest today shares how she has set up both platforms for her business and is also looking into selling wholesale. Heidi is the owner and designer of all the…

Tips & Talk 87 – Do You Know About Touchpoints?

Ever wonder why experts recommend so many different ways to get the word out about your business? Can’t you just sell at craft shows and call it a day? Yes, of course you can. As the owner of your business you can do anything you want. But this isn’t how the most successful brands behave.…