Tips & Talk 83 – What Do I Say in My Newsletters?

Email serves a different role in your business than your website, blog posts or even social. Its goal is to keep you top of mind with customers to deepen the connection leading to repeat purchases. It’s also a tool to stay in touch with those who find you online or meet you in person. You…

390 – BOOST – How to Sell Products through Your Website with Wendy Duckett

Today’s topic is one that haunts many a product maker trying to find traction online. That is, after spending so much time and effort getting a website up and functioning, there’s no activity and therefore no sales coming from the site. So, if this is a struggle for you, you’re in luck! Because we go…

389 – BASH – How to Handle Product Donation Requests

By nature of being a product-based business owner, you WILL be approached to donate to an event or cause at some point. It’s inevitable. And while I know in your heart that you’d like to give to everyone … as a business owner, you need to balance these requests with sound business choices. In today’s…