379 – BASH – The Difference Between Features and Benefits

Do you know the difference between features vs benefits? These words are often used interchangeably when in reality they relay different types of information and should be used for separate purposes. In this BASH Party, we cover features and benefits completely. And when we’re done? You’ll be able to apply this newfound knowledge directly to…

Tips & Talk 70 – This Drives Me Crazy and Isn’t Good for You Either!

It makes me crazy every time I encounter it – and it’s a lot! There are two reasons this frustrates me so much. First, I’m stopped in my tracks from being able to move forward at all and second, so are you! All attempts at making connections and progress with this strategy in your business…

377 – 3 Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website with Kerrie Fitzgerald

Do you know how to drive traffic to your website? Because unless you get people to your website where your products are displayed – complete with a description and buy button – there’s no chance for a sale. You can run ads of course. But that comes with lots of time learning, creating, and testing.…

Tips & Talk 69 – Are You in Control of Your Business?

Are you in control of your business? The answer to this, as the owner of your business, is always yes. You are the one at the top, making decisions that affect your outcomes. You are also the one in control if you decide to relinquish control. And this is something I really want you to…