Tips & Talk 63 – Is THIS Your Season for Change?

The same holidays roll around each season of every year – Valentines Day, Mother’s Day, Halloween, Thanksgiving. Because you’ve done this before, perhaps many times, are you continuing with the same ole, same ole promotions? And is that the best you can do? Repeating what you’ve done in the past may or may not be…

Tips & Talk 61 – Put the Brakes on Selling

Do you feel like you’re putting way too much energy into convincing customers to buy when you compare that to the return you’re seeing for all your efforts? Is it possible you’re trying SO HARD to get sales that what you’re actually doing is pushing them away? Perhaps it’s time to try a new approach.…

Tips & Talk 60 – 4 Steps to Turn “No” into “Yes”

“No” feels terrible. It’s a rejection. And who likes to be rejected? Most likely your reaction to the word “no” is to shut down. You feel defeat with whatever possibilities the “no” shut out. And to protect yourself, you give up on the person who made you feel bad and you move on to other…