Tips & Talk 45 – Why I Created National Bakers Crafters Makers Day
January is a big deal here at Gift Biz Unwrapped because this is the month of National Bakers Crafters Makers Day. Today, I want to explain why I created the day in the first place and its significance.
Making handmade products comes from the soul. It’s an investment of time and energy. The results are one of a kind and enrich our lives by surrounding us with beauty and individuality. They provide happiness for both the creator and its recipient – something our world needs and continually seeks … which is what led to our theme this year – Handmade Heals the World.
As someone with a passion for handmade, I want you to stand proud behind your creations. Whether for a hobby or as a business, what you bring to our lives is so incredibly special and it’s something worth celebrating!
To see all the ways you can join in the celebration of National Bakers Crafters Makers Day, click here.
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Hi there.
Speaker:It's Sue.
Speaker:And thanks for joining me for tips and talk day.
Speaker:These are bite-sized topics that I pull from community questions and
Speaker:things that I'm observing in the world of handmade small business.
Speaker:If you'd like to submit a topic,
Speaker:DME over on Instagram at gift biz,
Speaker:unwrapped January is a big deal here at gift biz unwrapped,
Speaker:because this is the month of national bakers,
Speaker:crafters makers day.
Speaker:I created this nationally recognized day last year to uplift and
Speaker:highlight handmade creators worldwide last week on tips and talk,
Speaker:I talked about the development of this year's theme and the
Speaker:steps I took with the committee and a professional designer for
Speaker:our logo development.
Speaker:Today. I want to take a step back and explain why
Speaker:I created the day in the first place and its significance
Speaker:for more than 15 years now,
Speaker:I've been involved in the world of handmade products on the
Speaker:business side.
Speaker:But even before that,
Speaker:I've always been involved in handmaid as a hobby from sewing
Speaker:my own clothes as a little girl,
Speaker:even clothes for my Barbies to knitting and embroidering with my
Speaker:mom and then even quilting in my thirties.
Speaker:Then, as you may know,
Speaker:after I left corporate,
Speaker:I started a gift basket business,
Speaker:which led to the ribbon print company.
Speaker:And now also gift biz unwrapped at each and every juncture
Speaker:I've experienced the art of making and observed others within the
Speaker:handmaid industry too.
Speaker:Here's what I've seen as a hobby.
Speaker:Creating handmade items has a meditative and therapeutic overlay.
Speaker:I know,
Speaker:you know what I mean when you're involved in creation and
Speaker:can just let your mind flow.
Speaker:These are point in creation time that you can let go
Speaker:and reflect or daydream even while keeping on task with your
Speaker:project. There's also pride attached to learning a new skill that
Speaker:brings your painting glass bead making or leather in Boston to
Speaker:a whole new level.
Speaker:Not to mention the compliment you get from your friends.
Speaker:When you share one of your creations,
Speaker:it's soul enriching.
Speaker:And this is one of the things I love the most
Speaker:about handmade.
Speaker:And we can also add in here the social element,
Speaker:maybe you have regularly scheduled time set aside.
Speaker:So you can gather together with your quilting friends and work
Speaker:on your individual projects,
Speaker:or you take a pottery or ceramic class just for fun.
Speaker:It's a great way to make new friends and add so
Speaker:much to the quality of your life.
Speaker:Overall being in the presence of others and sharing a common
Speaker:experience is uplifting after class coffee dates and even lasting friendships
Speaker:can form from these activities.
Speaker:And then a portion of handmade creators decide to monetize their
Speaker:craft by starting a small business for supplemental income or to
Speaker:replace a nine to five job.
Speaker:One of the reasons I chose January as the month for
Speaker:our national day is because it's this group of handmade creators
Speaker:who are the ones right now,
Speaker:recovering from the holiday rush.
Speaker:I've been through this myself at basket time and witness it
Speaker:every year from within our community.
Speaker:And also with my coaching clients,
Speaker:the personal sacrifice made by handmade small business owners to get
Speaker:sales, first of all,
Speaker:and then make and ship out orders in time for gift
Speaker:giving the sacrifice is significant.
Speaker:I am not exaggerating when I tell you that I know
Speaker:people who put up their Christmas trees right after Halloween,
Speaker:or it's not going to happen and they don't wrap their
Speaker:gifts either because they simply run out of time some years,
Speaker:maybe this is even you.
Speaker:National bakers crafters maker's day is to thank you for your
Speaker:efforts and support you during this time of rejuvenation.
Speaker:These are the valuable things that handmade brings to us today.
Speaker:Now let's think back even a little further handmade was a
Speaker:necessity. When we,
Speaker:as a human race started to socialize.
Speaker:Let's not go back as far as cave men,
Speaker:but what about when our ancestors colonized,
Speaker:they depended on each other's skills and specialties for survival.
Speaker:New settlements had a blacksmith,
Speaker:woodworker and cobbler for the necessities.
Speaker:There was also a baker,
Speaker:a milliner Hatter,
Speaker:even a toy maker,
Speaker:and all these products upgraded the quality of their lives.
Speaker:This act of dependence on each other's specialties,
Speaker:evolved into the small business structures that we have today.
Speaker:Kind of incredible to think about that.
Speaker:Isn't it.
Speaker:And you as a handmade product maker are part of all
Speaker:of this.
Speaker:That is why I created national bakers crafters maker's day to
Speaker:celebrate the history of making and to highlight you,
Speaker:making handmade products comes from the soul.
Speaker:It's an investment of time and energy.
Speaker:The results of what you make are one of a kind
Speaker:and enrich our lives by surrounding us with beauty and individuality,
Speaker:they provide happiness for both the creator that you and your
Speaker:products, recipient.
Speaker:Happiness is something our world needs and continually seeks,
Speaker:which is what led to our theme this year,
Speaker:handmade heals the world.
Speaker:So what do I have in store for this month?
Speaker:Well, it's already begun,
Speaker:but if this is the first time you're hearing about it,
Speaker:you are not late to the game.
Speaker:National bakers crafters maker's day is formally recognized in the national
Speaker:archives as being celebrated on January 21st.
Speaker:But we're doing some fun things right now to see the
Speaker:full rundown head over to handmade heals the
Speaker:the link in case you don't catch it here,
Speaker:we'll be in the show notes too.
Speaker:Of course,
Speaker:I will be talking specifically about what's happening on January 21st
Speaker:in the next tips and talk episode.
Speaker:But right now,
Speaker:here are a few things you can do first off,
Speaker:download my free gift to you.
Speaker:It's an affirmation poster that you can print and have displayed
Speaker:where you can see it every day,
Speaker:or add it as a background to your phone for daily
Speaker:reminders of how special you are.
Speaker:You can also share a handmade memory with us and read
Speaker:about memories from others.
Speaker:It's a total feel good experience as you go through other's
Speaker:memories and reflect on the special moments that they conjure up
Speaker:for you,
Speaker:that you can see also at the same link,
Speaker:handmade, heals the
Speaker:You can view other's memories and you can submit your own
Speaker:right there.
Speaker:There's also a section for adding your special giving activities that
Speaker:have been prompted by handmade products,
Speaker:whether you have a business or not.
Speaker:Now, that may not make sense.
Speaker:So let me explain a little bit better in the last
Speaker:six months,
Speaker:have you donated things that you've made to a local shelter
Speaker:or do you raise money for a certain cause that's dear
Speaker:to your heart,
Speaker:maybe you ran a workshop as a fundraiser,
Speaker:or you've designated a certain products proceeds to go to a
Speaker:specific cause let's share that activity with people that gets more
Speaker:attention to your cause or charity too,
Speaker:You'll see right under 0.2,
Speaker:how you can submit your information here.
Speaker:We call it dollars donated.
Speaker:If there's a financial overlay or gifts of kindness.
Speaker:If you've done some type of a charity project and brought
Speaker:it to an orphanage,
Speaker:a senior center or another local charity,
Speaker:it just takes a couple of seconds to submit your information.
Speaker:And again,
Speaker:we want to publicize the good that you put out into
Speaker:the world.
Speaker:As someone with a passion for handmade.
Speaker:I want you to stand proud behind your creations,
Speaker:whether for a hobby or as a business,
Speaker:what you bring to our lives is so incredibly special and
Speaker:it's worth celebrating.
Speaker:That's a wrap.
Speaker:I'm a get to the point kind of girl.
Speaker:And this is what you can expect from these quick midweek
Speaker:sessions. Now it's your turn go out and fulfill that dream
Speaker:of yours.
Speaker:Share your handmade products with us.
Speaker:We want them,