Getting the foundation in place is critical to the overall health and success of your business. Doing it right from the start saves time and money down the road. The good news is ...  once it's in place, there's nothing stopping you from creating a solid profitable business.

After the foundation is in place, your company needs to get noticed, attract customers and gain repeat business. This can be done in a variety of ways.

Scroll down to see specific podcast episodes that uncover exactly how to build your foundation and bring in the sales.


12 Steps to Creating a Profitable Gift Biz

It can be overwhelming when you build a business from scratch. There are so many decisions and so much to do! But it should be fun, not stressful.

Here's a Step by Step Guide on the actions to take ... one after another. When you follow these steps you can focus on strategy and creation, not figuring out what to do next.

Episodes on Fundamental Biz Topics

Here is a selection of episodes on this topic
