How To Build A Home Baked Business

Home Baked business featured

Are you a home kitchen baking wizard? Known for your sweet-making talents with unsolicited requests for your desserts at every family event? If so, have you ever thought of selling your delicious creations? A home baked business may be the perfect way to do what you love and make money at the same time. With…

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How to Know When You’ve Reached Success

I’m very lucky to have quite a few awesome friends. I want to introduce you to several of them. NOTE: These are not their real names or photos because they don’t know I’m writing this and well, you know … not everyone wants their life displayed online. Amy – A professional career woman from the…

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I Bet You’re Lying to Yourself

Got your attention didn’t I? So you feel better let me say that, with very few exceptions, we all lie to ourselves. We’re brought up to be honest. Always tell the truth. Say it like it is in a sympathetic and caring way. So why don’t we follow this direction when talking to ourselves? We…

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