Tips & Talk 108 – Do You Have the Next Big Idea?

I wish I would have thought of that! Or maybe you did, but now someone else has actually turned your idea into a product and it’s catching the world by storm. The old saying is true, ideas come a dime a dozen. But they don’t mean anything unless you take action. It’s the person who…

410 – Start Your Handmade Business from Scratch with Robin Lee Adams

I met Robin at the Chicago One of a Kind Show. She captured my attention for a couple of reasons. Her display drew me in and made me curious about her product. It’s a combination of two other products merged into one. I got just enough information to know I wanted her on the show.…

408 – Yes! You Can Be Successful Opening a Retail Shop Today with Jessie Williams

Maybe you’re heard that brick-and-mortar retail shopping is dead. Don’t believe it! Retail is still an option. The dream is not lost. Today you’ll hear from Jessie, a very successful owner of three shops. She started scrappy and took advantage of growth opportunities as they presented themselves. You’ll learn about the behind-the-scenes things a store…

406 – It’s National Bakers Crafters Makers Day!

Today (January 21) is National Bakers Crafters Makers Day. A time to recognize, uplift, and celebrate YOU! (And, by the way, that means ALL handmade makers whether it’s a hobby or you’ve turned what you make into a small business.) It’s been 3 years since I established this official national day. Each year, we do…