378 – All About Being a Guest on a Podcast with Noemi and Gabor of Podcast Connections
377 – 3 Free Ways to Drive Traffic to Your Website with Kerrie Fitzgerald
Do you know how to drive traffic to your website? Because unless you get people to your website where your products are displayed – complete with a description and buy button – there’s no chance for a sale. You can run ads of course. But that comes with lots of time learning, creating, and testing.…
376 – BASH – 4 Reasons Why Your Products Aren’t Selling
374 – BASH – How to Start Your Email List
Today we’re talking about how to start an email list for your business. Now, more than ever, it’s important to put email marketing into place. I know it can seem daunting but when you know the steps to getting started, you’ll see it’s not that difficult at all. The subject of email marketing has been…
372 – BASH – What REALLY is Social Media’s Role in Your Business?
Today’s topic couldn’t be more timely with all the questions, concerns, and what seems like daily changes happening in the social media landscape. 👉 Are you spending a lot of time on social media tasks because you’re clear on specifically what it can do for your business? 👉 Or are you doing it because everyone…