222 – The Truth About a Business Boss State of Mind
195 – 5 Affirmations to Change Your Life
182 – Connect to Your Inner Voice with Katie Krimitsos of Biz Women Rock
Katie is a mom, wife, podcaster, and business strategist. She’s also an adventurer, seeker and change maker. Katie is committed to brightening the light of women around the world in two ways. First, through her Biz Women Rock community, which supports women entrepreneurs. And most recently, through Meditation for Women, guided meditations that are specifically…
181 – What We Can Learn from an Olympian Medalist with Aja Evans
A two-time Olympian, Aja Evans, won a bronze medal in the 2014 Winter Olympic Games as a brakeman for the USA Women’s Bobsled Team. Throughout her track and field career, Aja was known for her dominance in both the sprints and shot put. At the University of Illinois, she won three Big Ten titles. The…
170 – Going from Emotion to Productivity When Tragedy Strikes with Bobbi Baehne of Think Big Go Local
Bobbi is the President of Think Big Go Local, a digital marketing agency headquartered in the Chicagoland area. They focus exclusively on entrepreneurs and have worked with over 300 clients spanning dozens of different industries. TBGL specializes in getting small business messages in front of their client’s ideal customer, thereby growing their business and bottom…