Tips & Talk 99 – How Will It Fail? And I’m Not Talking About Your Business …

How will it fail? At first glance, you may think I’m referring to the success of your business. Actually, I’m not. I’m talking about your product. And now you’re saying, “Not MY product!” I make it myself with quality materials not to mention my top-notch professional creation skills. Hold tight. I know all this is…

Tips & Talk 83 – What Do I Say in My Newsletters?

Email serves a different role in your business than your website, blog posts or even social. Its goal is to keep you top of mind with customers to deepen the connection leading to repeat purchases. It’s also a tool to stay in touch with those who find you online or meet you in person. You…

Tips & Talk 82 – How to Find Good Blog Topics

What should you write about in your blog when you’re a maker and sell your handmade products? Your blog should compliment your business goals in some way. Attract new customers, inform, educate, answer FAQ’s or share other information your reader will find valuable. Plus, the most important part … it should be SEO friendly. All…

Tips & Talk 67 – How a Blog Grows Your Product Based Business

Maybe you’re like most … defaulting to the idea that blogs aren’t meant for your handmade product-based business. My aim in this episode is to help you see this differently by sharing 5 Ways a blog can benefit and grow your business. Am I here to convince you to start a blog tomorrow? No. But…