Tips & Talk 106 – A Different Way to Look at Your Competition

Competition is not something you need to fear. There are actually advantages to being in a well-known and established industry. I explain why and how to look at your competition differently. The emotion and feeling of discomfort comes up when you don’t have a plan to tackle competitive situations. Here’s why competition is a good…

Tips & Talk 105 – The Power of Being Likeable

Being likeable. Sometimes that’s all you need to make a sale. And if you describe yourself as an introvert, this is a reason to push past this self-limiting label. Because you have no chance of being likeable if someone doesn’t have the ability to get to know you. 95% of buying decisions are made based…

Tips & Talk 102 – Are You Doing This Backwards?

It makes sense that for most things in life it’s best if you start at the very beginning, except when it comes to one very important part of your business – the messaging you use to sell your products. In this case, you want to flip the script. It’s the old features/benefit story. Describing your…

Tips & Talk 101 – Stop Posing!

What do you do when a camera points your way? Probably the same as most people. Do you find yourself totally changing your behavior? It’s like now you have to be “on,” and you analyze and adjust so you’re captured in the best way. While all these tricks make for great photos that show your…

Tips & Talk 89 – It Only Takes 5 Minutes to Make a Major Impact

What would it be like if you could own a spot in someone’s mind where, whenever they thought of you, it brought up warm positive feelings. Wouldn’t it be something if you could have this effect on the people you interact with each day in your business? Imagine what it could do for your sales!…