Tips & Talk 30 – First Steps to Creating Your Brand

This is the first activity most new business owners jump into – naming the business and then creating a logo and brand colors. That makes sense because it’s what you see as a consumer and how you identify other businesses. So naturally it’s what you gravitate to as the necessary starting point. Perfect. But don’t…

Tips & Talk 20 – Here’s Why You Aren’t Getting Sales on Your Website

Getting people to come over to your website is one thing. But that’s only the first step. Once they’re on your site, how do you keep them there and direct them to the ultimate goal … making a purchase? Here are 7 Barriers that may be lurking on your website preventing a sale from taking…

Tips & Talk 15 – Is THIS Missing in Your “Brand?”

The word brand gets used very freely these days. Do you know what it actually means? Or what’s truly included in your “brand?” You should. Because if you aren’t doing this right, you may be putting up obstacles unconsciously that are driving people away! CONNECT with me here: Website | Facebook | Instagram SUBSCRIBE to the podcast:…