Tips & Talk 110 – 32 Questions

I’ve heard it said that the answers you seek in life are only as good as the questions you ask. Because so much goes on in our heads, sometimes our thoughts are trying to answer the wrong questions. Or you get in a brain spin and ideas go round and round randomly without even attempting…

406 – It’s National Bakers Crafters Makers Day!

Today (January 21) is National Bakers Crafters Makers Day. A time to recognize, uplift, and celebrate YOU! (And, by the way, that means ALL handmade makers whether it’s a hobby or you’ve turned what you make into a small business.) It’s been 3 years since I established this official national day. Each year, we do…

Tips & Talk 98 – How to Celebrate National Bakers Crafters Makers Day

National Bakers-Crafters-Makers Day celebrates ALL handmade creators of the world! Being a maker yourself, you know that what you create originates in your soul. It’s very existence requires your imagination, passion and skill. And when you present your creation, the final result provides happiness for both you and the person who receives and uses your…

Tips & Talk 96 – Goals Only Work if You Do THIS

Getting your dreams on paper makes them more likely to come true. Setting intentions is the direct path to manifesting what you want. Journaling, creating a vision board or closing your eyes and imagining yourself achieving what you’ve set out to do are various actions to take as you let your dreams swirl around in…

Tips & Talk 94 – Ignore the “What If’s”

I have a story for you about a friend I met years ago through the Chamber of Commerce. You’ll be as surprised as I was when I tell you. After this event I’m going to share with you, Alan could have kept looking back and wondering what his life would have been like if he’d…