418 – Managing Through Life Changes and Updates to Continually Serve You!

There are times for change. It happens in business and life overall and opens the path for new experiences and advancement. Today I want to share with you such a change. This is the last episode of the Gift Biz Unwrapped podcast. Over these last 8 years and 545 episodes, we’ve covered every topic currently…

416 – Raise Your Radiance to Raise Your Revenue with Angela Jia Kim

Today’s episode is guaranteed to bring more beauty and richness into your life. This show is a special one because it brings two different but connected messages your way. An inspiring start-up story that illustrates just how far you can go starting from your home. We also explore the ancient Korean belief about health and…

Tips & Talk 103 – Increase Your Confidence and Enthusiasm

Do you underestimate confidence and enthusiasm? I realize these are two entirely separate things, but they do go hand in hand in your business and can seriously impact your progress and the success you’ll see in the long run. Let’s define each of these first – so we’re on the same page in terms of…

406 – It’s National Bakers Crafters Makers Day!

Today (January 21) is National Bakers Crafters Makers Day. A time to recognize, uplift, and celebrate YOU! (And, by the way, that means ALL handmade makers whether it’s a hobby or you’ve turned what you make into a small business.) It’s been 3 years since I established this official national day. Each year, we do…

Tips & Talk 98 – How to Celebrate National Bakers Crafters Makers Day

National Bakers-Crafters-Makers Day celebrates ALL handmade creators of the world! Being a maker yourself, you know that what you create originates in your soul. It’s very existence requires your imagination, passion and skill. And when you present your creation, the final result provides happiness for both you and the person who receives and uses your…