Tips & Talk 43 – My Word for 2022

Choosing a theme word that will direct your year. Have you heard of this concept before? It’s similar to the idea of identifying a major goal and then developing tasks and activities underneath that goal with the idea that, once completed – your goal will have been achieved. The difference with an annual word is…

Tips & Talk 41 – It’s About Time!

How is it that some people get so much accomplished and others struggle to do one simple project? Obviously, there can be extenuating circumstances – like interruptions, emergencies or simply the lack of interest or desire to do whatever project you’re laboring over. But that doesn’t erase the fact that it needs to get done.…

Tips & Talk 37 – The Many Faces of Integrity for Personal and Business Growth

People with high integrity are known as being trustworthy, dependable and someone you can rely on. Living with integrity is important because it can determine the depth of your relationships and the success of your business. When you start showing up as I describe in this episode, you build your integrity muscle. Along with that…

Tips & Talk 31 – How to Start Your Own Mastermind Group

Masterminds. Perhaps you’ve invested in one before that included a professional moderator and was timebound – a few months or even a year. These is the traditional structure of a formal mastermind. I’m talking today about how you can create your own local mastermind group. It brings a level of support that will prove to…

Tips & Talk 28 – Let’s Talk About Revenue Generating Tasks

Not all tasks are created equal. As you know, it’s easy to get distracted and without even knowing it, go down the social media rabbit hole – or any other number of daily activity “fillers” that don’t produce results. Today I’m going to define and give examples of revenue producing tasks. We’ll talk about why…