Tips & Talk 109 – The BEST Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Sales

There are lots of ways to increase your sales but today I’m going to tell you what I believe to be the number one thing you should be doing to see your orders increase. What I have to say is going to be controversial because it goes against natural inclinations. It will feel like you’re…

416 – Raise Your Radiance to Raise Your Revenue with Angela Jia Kim

Today’s episode is guaranteed to bring more beauty and richness into your life. This show is a special one because it brings two different but connected messages your way. An inspiring start-up story that illustrates just how far you can go starting from your home. We also explore the ancient Korean belief about health and…

Tips & Talk 105 – The Power of Being Likeable

Being likeable. Sometimes that’s all you need to make a sale. And if you describe yourself as an introvert, this is a reason to push past this self-limiting label. Because you have no chance of being likeable if someone doesn’t have the ability to get to know you. 95% of buying decisions are made based…