Tips & Talk 28 – Let’s Talk About Revenue Generating Tasks

Not all tasks are created equal. As you know, it’s easy to get distracted and without even knowing it, go down the social media rabbit hole – or any other number of daily activity “fillers” that don’t produce results. Today I’m going to define and give examples of revenue producing tasks. We’ll talk about why…

Tips & Talk 27 – The Sales Channel Panel

The Sales Channel Panel is the strategy that is key to maintaining sales and managing through any crisis or unforseen selling challenge. It includes all the elements for getting visibility, communicating your messages and bringing in orders. In this episode I give an explanation of the strategy including all the elements and how it works.…

Tips & Talk 24 – Competition! Now What?

Oh no! A competitor encroaches into your “territory” and your first thought is that all is lost. They must be so much better than you – with a higher quality product at a lower price. Please press the pause button. Let’s take the emotion down a level and talk logically about what to do in…

Tips & Talk 22 – Your Customer is Mad – Now What?

It’s inevitable. If you run a business, no matter how buttoned up your services are, you’ll encounter an angry customer. How you handle it is what will determine the future of your relationship. Here is what to do when your customer is made and the process to follow to not only turn the situation around,…

Tips & Talk 20 – Here’s Why You Aren’t Getting Sales on Your Website

Getting people to come over to your website is one thing. But that’s only the first step. Once they’re on your site, how do you keep them there and direct them to the ultimate goal … making a purchase? Here are 7 Barriers that may be lurking on your website preventing a sale from taking…