Tips & Talk 19 – 3 Easy Ways to Get Customer Testimonials

Customer testimonials can be the deciding factor that prompts someone to make the decision to buy. The fact that Amazon uses this strategy tells you it works. But getting people to give a testimonial is difficult … for the buyer and the seller. Here are 3 easy ways to start capturing reviews and then how…

Tips & Talk 17 – What To Do with Your Online Biz While on Vacation

Running your own business doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy all life has to offer. And part of that is taking time away for yourself, your family and your customers.

Relaxing breaks away are rejuevenating and even allow for renewed creativity and excitement for your business. Here’s how to do this without losing customers and sales.

Tips & Talk 14 – Facebook Business Pages vs Facebook Groups

It’s time to answer the questions. Should you have a Facebook Business Page? What about Facebook Groups? Today we cover how these are different, the pros and cons of each and what my recommendation is for your handmade product business. I believe when we’re done, your answers will be clear! CONNECT with me here: Website…

Tips & Talk 12 – All Website Platforms are NOT Created Equal

“What website platform should I use to create my website?” If this is your question, I suggest you ask a different one because all website platforms are not the same. In this episode I break down the three platform categories to help you narrow in on which one is right for you based on the…