Tips & Talk 99 – How Will It Fail? And I’m Not Talking About Your Business …

How will it fail? At first glance, you may think I’m referring to the success of your business. Actually, I’m not. I’m talking about your product. And now you’re saying, “Not MY product!” I make it myself with quality materials not to mention my top-notch professional creation skills. Hold tight. I know all this is…

405 – How to Increase Customer Retention with Kerri McDonald

Here’s possibly the most important thing you can do to grow your business. Learn how to retain customers who have already purchased from you so they buy again.  Of course, some customers will drop off, month to month, or be one-time purchasers. But the strategy you’ll hear about today can STOP that constant search for…

401 – Influencer Marketing – Word of Mouth at Scale with Yash Chavan

I’m sure you’ve seen an influencer on Instagram, TikTok or YouTube share a product, and then their fans all rush out and buy it. Imagine how that would feel if it were YOUR product being shared! That’s what today’s episode is all about – how you can multiply the power of word of mouth by…

Tips & Talk 92 – How to Negotiate with Customers

Negotiating is a valuable skill to have. It’s made strongest when you think about and plan for it ahead of time. By having strategies and pre thought through actions in your back pocket, you won’t give away the house or feel taken advantage of. Instead, you can lead the conversation, offer options that fit the…