196 – What You Need to Know Now About Facebook Ads with Salome Schillack of Shine And Succeed
Salome Schillack is a Facebook Ads Strategist who helps coaches, online course creators, and personal brands scale, automate and grow their businesses faster with clever Facebook and Instagram ads strategies.
Through her fast-growing agency, Salome has been able to build a global team of amazing people that work flexibly and independently allowing them to balance doing work they love with caring for people they love.
Her clients say that the best thing about working with her is that she cares as much about their businesses as she does about her own. She says the best thing about working with clients is that she gets to help them implement proven marketing strategies that help them create more streamlined marketing funnels and get them to more profit sooner.
Salome was born and raised in South Africa and lives in beautiful Perth in Western Australia with her husband Emil, two daughters Milla and Elle and their dog, Odie.
Business Building Insights
- We all have a unique fingerprint in this world.
- Facebook has an incredible way of targeting the right people to see your message.
- The clearer you are about your ideal audience, the better you’ll be able to reach them with Facebook ads.
- As you start a campaign, run two versions at the same time to see which performs best. If you’re testing a video, run two videos and see which one does best. Or run one video but sent it to two different audiences.
- The two Action Steps below are important to implement immediately whether you are planning running Facebook Ads now or in the future.
- You can and will figure out Facebook Ads if you stick with it.
Two Actions Steps to Do Immediately
- Create your custom audiences.
- Add your Facebook Pixel to all pages where you can collect customer data.
- Listen to the show to hear exactly how to do both of these.
Resources Mentioned
The Art of Paid Traffic – Rick Mulready
Perpetual Traffic Podcast – Molly Pitman, Ralph Burns and Keith Krance
Contact Links
Gift Biz Resources
Join our FREE Gift Biz Breeze Facebook Community
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Thanks! Sue
Gift biz unwrapped episode 196 that's the magic of Facebook is
Speaker:it gives you the power to reach the right person At
Speaker:Tinton, gifters,
Speaker:bakers, crafters,
Speaker:and makers pursuing your dream can be fun whether you have
Speaker:an established business or looking to start one now you are
Speaker:in the right place.
Speaker:This is give to biz unwrapped,
Speaker:helping you turn your skill into a flourishing business.
Speaker:Join us for an episode packed full of invaluable guidance,
Speaker:resources and the support you need to grow your gift biz.
Speaker:Here is your host gift biz gal Sue moon Heights.
Speaker:Hi there It Sue and welcome to the first episode of
Speaker:the gift biz unwrapped podcast for 2019 happy new year everybody.
Speaker:I hope your celebrations were festive and fun or relaxing and
Speaker:peaceful, however you like to ring in the new year and
Speaker:I also wish for you the very best and huge success
Speaker:going into 2019 so crazy,
Speaker:isn't it?
Speaker:The change of a calendar.
Speaker:Just one little flip of a page,
Speaker:one little rollover of a year gives us so much optimism
Speaker:that things can be different.
Speaker:We can do things better.
Speaker:We can have different results,
Speaker:et cetera.
Speaker:So I want to ride that wave.
Speaker:Why not?
Speaker:But the thing is to have a new result,
Speaker:you have to do something different.
Speaker:That leads into what we're going to talk about here in
Speaker:this episode,
Speaker:and that is Facebook ads.
Speaker:Okay? Now don't shut off right away.
Speaker:I know what many of you are thinking.
Speaker:A lot of us have a love hate relationship with Facebook,
Speaker:right? There are the privacy issues.
Speaker:Zuckerberg continues to show up in the news,
Speaker:or perhaps you've tried ads in the past.
Speaker:Maybe you've boosted a post and you're feeling like you're throwing
Speaker:away money.
Speaker:It's just not working for you.
Speaker:Well, what I'd like you to do,
Speaker:just as a rollover of a new calendar year,
Speaker:I'd like you to clean the slate on the page in
Speaker:your mind that is titled Facebook ads.
Speaker:Listen to what Salome has to say,
Speaker:and I think you might have a different perspective on Facebook
Speaker:ads. If nothing else,
Speaker:you're going to understand them a lot more.
Speaker:And there's two specific things that she talks about that are
Speaker:an absolute must that you should be implementing,
Speaker:whether you do Facebook ads or not.
Speaker:I also want to give you a heads up that I
Speaker:have something really special to share with you at the end
Speaker:of the show,
Speaker:so make sure to stay all the way through the end
Speaker:and then hear about something totally unrelated to Facebook ads.
Speaker:But for now,
Speaker:if you're not driving,
Speaker:you're not on the treadmill,
Speaker:you're not out walking your dog.
Speaker:Pull out a piece of paper,
Speaker:grab a pen.
Speaker:If you can't do that right now,
Speaker:you might want to come back and listen to this all
Speaker:over again because Salome is now going to give us the
Speaker:gold about Facebook ads.
Speaker:Pleasure of introducing you to Salome.
Speaker:She lack.
Speaker:Salome is a Facebook ad strategist who helps coaches online course
Speaker:creators and personal brands scale,
Speaker:automate and grow their businesses faster with clever Facebook and Instagram
Speaker:ad strategies.
Speaker:Through her fast-growing agency,
Speaker:Salome has been able to build a global team of amazing
Speaker:people that work flexibly and independently allowing them to balance doing
Speaker:work they love with caring for people that they love.
Speaker:Her clients say that the best thing about working with her
Speaker:is that she cares as much about their businesses as she
Speaker:does about her own.
Speaker:She says the best thing about working with clients is that
Speaker:she gets to help them implement proven marketing strategies that help
Speaker:them create more streamlined marketing funnels and get them to more
Speaker:profit sooner.
Speaker:So Lomi was born and raised in South Africa and lives
Speaker:in beautiful Perth in Western Australia with her husband Emil,
Speaker:two daughters,
Speaker:Mila and Al and their dog ODI Salome.
Speaker:I also have to tell people that you really are all
Speaker:this because you are my Facebook ad strategists too and I'm
Speaker:honored to have you on the gift biz unwrapped podcast.
Speaker:Welcome. Thank you so much.
Speaker:So it is an honor and a privilege for me to
Speaker:be here and to talk to your audience and to be
Speaker:on your show.
Speaker:And you know how much I love you and I love
Speaker:working with you and I love helping you grow your business.
Speaker:So thank you for that beautiful,
Speaker:beautiful intro.
Speaker:Well, the feeling is absolutely mutual and I know that our
Speaker:listeners are really going to learn a lot about Facebook today,
Speaker:so, and they've been asking a lot of questions about Facebook.
Speaker:Oh, fantastic.
Speaker:So I really appreciate you already before you even are,
Speaker:but bringing us all the answers,
Speaker:but I think you already know this.
Speaker:Before we get into it,
Speaker:I want to have you give us a little bit of
Speaker:information about you in a different way.
Speaker:And that is by having you describe yourself through a motivational
Speaker:candle. If you were to talk about what color you would
Speaker:have as your candle and what quote would be on the
Speaker:candle, describe what your candle would look like.
Speaker:When I first arrived this too,
Speaker:I was like,
Speaker:Oh, I'm not really a candles person,
Speaker:so this one's going to be tough for me.
Speaker:And then I remember that I have one big candle in
Speaker:my house and that one big candle is a candle I
Speaker:bought a few years ago when my mum was visiting me
Speaker:and I bought it to put it on the Christmas table.
Speaker:And it is a quite a large candle and it is
Speaker:a golden candle,
Speaker:but it's not like a shiny waxy gold.
Speaker:It's like a matte color and it looks like it has
Speaker:glitter in it.
Speaker:And I thought about it and I thought,
Speaker:well that golden candle that I have is kind of like
Speaker:me. It's sort of simplistic and what you see is what
Speaker:you get,
Speaker:but there's a bit of shimmer to it.
Speaker:Yeah, there is some sparkle there with you for sure.
Speaker:I was like,
Speaker:yeah, I think if I was a candle,
Speaker:like I would be that candle.
Speaker:It's simple,
Speaker:it's very clean and clear and what you see is what
Speaker:you get,
Speaker:but it has a sparkle to it.
Speaker:It has a shimmer and shine and it is golden after
Speaker:all, and so I was like,
Speaker:yeah, that would be my candle.
Speaker:When I was thinking about the quote,
Speaker:there's a quote.
Speaker:It is so often used.
Speaker:It is such a famous quote that I think it easily
Speaker:becomes a cliche,
Speaker:but it is the quote the Marianne Williamson quote.
Speaker:I've got it in front of me.
Speaker:I want to read it to you.
Speaker:It's quite long.
Speaker:I'm going to read it to you because this quote is
Speaker:like, when I'm feeling sad,
Speaker:I come back to this.
Speaker:When I'm de-motivated,
Speaker:I come back to this.
Speaker:When I feel inspired,
Speaker:I come back to this quote when I need to remember
Speaker:who I am and why I'm doing what I'm doing.
Speaker:I come back to this,
Speaker:so I'm going to read it for you.
Speaker:It's about Marianne Williamson and it says,
Speaker:our deepest fear is not that we're inadequate.
Speaker:Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Speaker:It is our light,
Speaker:not our darkness that most frightens us.
Speaker:We ask ourselves,
Speaker:who am I to be brilliant,
Speaker:gorgeous, talented,
Speaker:fabulous. Actually,
Speaker:who are you not to be?
Speaker:You are a child of God.
Speaker:You're playing small does not serve the world.
Speaker:There was nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't
Speaker:feel insecure around you.
Speaker:We are all meant to shine as children do.
Speaker:We were born to make manifest the glory of God that
Speaker:is within us.
Speaker:And it's not just in some of us,
Speaker:it is in everyone.
Speaker:And as we let our light shine,
Speaker:we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.
Speaker:As we are liberated from our fear,
Speaker:our presence automatically liberates others.
Speaker:That is beautiful.
Speaker:And I so agree with you salami,
Speaker:because all of us have a special place in this world
Speaker:and we bring the light to others,
Speaker:but so often we're afraid of that.
Speaker:We're afraid of reaching out and showing people because we're afraid
Speaker:people are going to reject it,
Speaker:I guess.
Speaker:Exactly. And it becomes this spiral of,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:if I'm afraid to show who I am and to shine
Speaker:and to bring my gifts to light,
Speaker:then I hold back on giving you permission to do the
Speaker:same thing.
Speaker:And if I don't give you permission,
Speaker:then that means that I feel you're not giving me permission
Speaker:and then I'm going to be playing even smaller.
Speaker:And so it's kind of this vicious cycle that I think
Speaker:we just have to break at some point in ourselves,
Speaker:right? And just go,
Speaker:hang on.
Speaker:If I'm here to shine and I shine my light as
Speaker:bright as I can and I show up and I give
Speaker:and I care and like I have a few things like
Speaker:I feel as long as I take responsibility always and always
Speaker:come from a place of caring and loving and respect,
Speaker:then I can mess up as bad as I want to
Speaker:because there will always be forgiveness and there will always be
Speaker:a way to fix things and there will always be a
Speaker:way to overcome whatever the thing is that you,
Speaker:as long as you come from a place of love and
Speaker:you come from a place of taking responsibility and within that
Speaker:then I can shine my light as bright as I want
Speaker:to. And on some days that means showing up on Facebook
Speaker:live on other days.
Speaker:That means having a tough conversation with my child or with
Speaker:my husband.
Speaker:And on other days it means just caring for someone who
Speaker:needs a little bit of extra care.
Speaker:And other days that means just showing up and doing my
Speaker:job. Yeah,
Speaker:and you know,
Speaker:as you were talking,
Speaker:it brings to mind,
Speaker:to me the whole concept of intent.
Speaker:If your intent is pure,
Speaker:you're giving everything that you have,
Speaker:but the intent is really to help whatever you're doing,
Speaker:whether it's with the children or your client,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:whoever it's with,
Speaker:then it's not for other people to judge.
Speaker:Really. So I love that you read that whole portion to
Speaker:us and let's just say here and now for all of
Speaker:our listeners that will all make a pact that we're not
Speaker:going to play small.
Speaker:Yeah. We're going to give permission to each other right now.
Speaker:That that's the way it's going to be.
Speaker:We're going to play with our full self.
Speaker:How about that?
Speaker:Yeah, for sure.
Speaker:And you know where I think that starts by cheering other
Speaker:people on who are shining their light and who are stepping
Speaker:out of their comfort zone and who are doing great things
Speaker:or who's just doing something.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:it can be something as simple as biking someone at cake
Speaker:and having the courage to put that out there with love.
Speaker:Just cheer other people on and then you're going to find
Speaker:that you give yourself a lot more permission to do the
Speaker:things that makes your heart sing.
Speaker:Absolutely. I didn't know that we were going to get into
Speaker:all this theory right in the beginning,
Speaker:but I do want to say one other thing about this,
Speaker:when you talk about cheering other people on,
Speaker:I think there's some times is this idea,
Speaker:if someone else is successful,
Speaker:then that's taking away a little bit of the potential success
Speaker:from yourself.
Speaker:And that's not true.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:success is not limited and it's not just one pie that
Speaker:people are taking pieces from.
Speaker:Success can be yours in every way and greater than others.
Speaker:So absolutely we should be cheering each other on.
Speaker:Right? But we all have a very unique fingerprint in this
Speaker:world and there's room for everyone's fingerprint.
Speaker:That's right.
Speaker:So let's move on to get your fingerprint.
Speaker:How about that?
Speaker:Yeah, for sure.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:we've been working together for,
Speaker:I don't know,
Speaker:a little bit here,
Speaker:a year,
Speaker:about a year or something like that.
Speaker:Yeah. But I don't really know what attracted you to Facebook
Speaker:and Facebook ads,
Speaker:so why don't you share with us that story?
Speaker:That's a good question.
Speaker:You know what?
Speaker:I'm sort of a problem solver.
Speaker:I think I just kept on solving the problem that was
Speaker:in front of me until I kind of got to this
Speaker:point here where I was enjoying doing this.
Speaker:I started a business when L my youngest,
Speaker:who's now five,
Speaker:when she was born,
Speaker:I knew I did not want to go back to my
Speaker:day job.
Speaker:I was a pharmaceutical rep and I enjoyed my work very
Speaker:much and I was quite good at it as well.
Speaker:But I am made to work for someone else.
Speaker:I'm one of those people that just,
Speaker:if you tell me I have to do something and I
Speaker:don't see the purpose in it,
Speaker:I'm going to rebel all day long.
Speaker:So I decided to enroll in a coaching program and there's
Speaker:a really good coaching school here in Australia and I did
Speaker:a three year,
Speaker:it was like a three year diploma in coaching.
Speaker:It was a very big program and started becoming a coach
Speaker:and I just didn't enjoy it.
Speaker:What were you coaching initially I started doing sales coaching because
Speaker:that was my background.
Speaker:I think personally I had such a journey inside myself that
Speaker:I still needed to go on to be able to show
Speaker:up with authority and be able to back myself and be
Speaker:able to really serve clients.
Speaker:And I hadn't gone on that journey yet.
Speaker:So I kept feeling inauthentic.
Speaker:I constantly had that imposter syndrome feeling.
Speaker:I, you know,
Speaker:when I was at a networking event talking to people about
Speaker:my services,
Speaker:it didn't feel good.
Speaker:It just,
Speaker:it felt icky and I didn't know why.
Speaker:And I struggled and I wasn't happy at home because I
Speaker:felt like I was letting my family down cause I was
Speaker:networking morning,
Speaker:noon and night to build this business and working on this
Speaker:business morning,
Speaker:noon and night.
Speaker:And then I felt like I was failing in the business
Speaker:as well.
Speaker:And it kind of got to a point where I just
Speaker:said, well hang on,
Speaker:something about this is not working.
Speaker:And I started going,
Speaker:what do I want?
Speaker:What is the business that I want?
Speaker:And I looked at a few people online like Marie Forleo
Speaker:and Amy Porterfield and Danielle LaPorte and Denise Duffield Thomas.
Speaker:I was looking at them and I went,
Speaker:I want the type of business they have because at that
Speaker:stage my business was all local.
Speaker:It's like I want the type of business that they have.
Speaker:And so the very first program that I enrolled in was
Speaker:uh, one of IME Porterfield's programs or webinar program.
Speaker:And I thought,
Speaker:great, I'm going to run a webinar and then that's going
Speaker:to be my business.
Speaker:I'm going to make money that way.
Speaker:I started running webinars and it was a bit of a
Speaker:challenge at first and part of running webinars was learning how
Speaker:to create landing pages and learning how to do Facebook ads.
Speaker:And then as I was sort of learning these things for
Speaker:myself, I started talking about it on Facebook live with some
Speaker:other people,
Speaker:or actually I started talking about it on Periscope back then
Speaker:and my friends started asking me,
Speaker:what are you doing and how are you doing this and
Speaker:can you do this for us?
Speaker:And so I was like,
Speaker:yeah, sure I can run Facebook ads.
Speaker:I didn't know I was supposed to struggle with Facebook ads
Speaker:until I realized other people have a hard time with Facebook
Speaker:ads. And so I started broadcasting on Facebook live when Facebook
Speaker:live launched and I started running Facebook ads for people sort
Speaker:of on the side at the same time.
Speaker:And it was kind of still just a hobby taking up
Speaker:a lot of my time and I wasn't making a lot
Speaker:of money.
Speaker:And then I launched a program,
Speaker:it was called the Facebook live Superstore and it was just
Speaker:teaching people the basics of Facebook live and then how to
Speaker:turn your Facebook lives into ads so that you can start
Speaker:building your list from them.
Speaker:And I ran $400 worth of ads and I made $2,000
Speaker:and I thought it was a failure,
Speaker:I thought was the biggest failure ever because I thought I'd
Speaker:put in all this hard work and I'm just my $2,000
Speaker:like that just shows you how I was still in so
Speaker:much of the wrong mindset,
Speaker:cause I didn't realize it.
Speaker:Let me just clarify this.
Speaker:When you put $400 into Facebook and it splits $2,000
Speaker:out, that's huge success.
Speaker:That's gigantic success.
Speaker:Yeah. Yeah.
Speaker:So, but I was exhausted and I felt like I can't
Speaker:feed my family with $2,000
Speaker:I, this needs to be more sustainable.
Speaker:So what I did was I,
Speaker:at the end,
Speaker:this was at the end of 2016 I went back to
Speaker:my day job and I felt like I packed it in
Speaker:on the business.
Speaker:I was just like,
Speaker:I've been trying this for,
Speaker:at that point it was two and a half years.
Speaker:I was exhausted.
Speaker:We were racking up the date very fast and I went
Speaker:back to my day job and it was a huge exercise
Speaker:in humility for me and it was also taught me a
Speaker:lot, but the great thing that happened at that stage was
Speaker:I learned,
Speaker:there were a few things,
Speaker:I kind of went,
Speaker:okay, if I come from an energy of I'm going to
Speaker:conquer the world thing,
Speaker:this is never going to work.
Speaker:Instead I just decided to scale back,
Speaker:focus on gratitude,
Speaker:focus on what I have,
Speaker:focus on the good things that I am doing and instead
Speaker:of seeing the $2,000
Speaker:as a failure to see it as an achievement and I
Speaker:shifted my entire mindset in that time that I was back
Speaker:at work and also a couple of things that happened in
Speaker:that year.
Speaker:While I was back at work,
Speaker:I decided to niche down and just do Facebook ads for
Speaker:clients. So you were still doing your business on the side,
Speaker:but then you were also working?
Speaker:Oh yes.
Speaker:Yes. So I was working during the day.
Speaker:The good thing is being a pharmaceutical rep is you know,
Speaker:you only work five or six hours a day.
Speaker:I had a certain number of calls that I had to
Speaker:do and I had to meet certain criteria.
Speaker:But once you've done that,
Speaker:you go home and I spent no,
Speaker:maybe six hours a day in my car listening to online
Speaker:training. I was going through training in my car for hours
Speaker:and hours and hours and I learned so much in that
Speaker:here. But also that's when I enrolled in B school and
Speaker:I niche down as a Facebook ads manager and I started
Speaker:building relationships with people in those groups and started running ads
Speaker:for coaches in the groups and I niche down as a
Speaker:Facebook ads manager and decided I'm only doing that.
Speaker:So for that here,
Speaker:2017 I was working my day job and running the business
Speaker:only as a Facebook ads manager in the evenings and had
Speaker:about four or five clients throughout that here.
Speaker:And by the end of that year,
Speaker:came over to America.
Speaker:I make you face to face there at that bank.
Speaker:And I signed up a handful of clients at the event
Speaker:and came back and quit my job.
Speaker:I remember the day,
Speaker:I remember we exchanged some emails and you came home and
Speaker:you said,
Speaker:yep, it's done.
Speaker:It's done.
Speaker:I came home,
Speaker:I quit my job and it has just been an absolutely
Speaker:glorious, amazing ride since then.
Speaker:And now I have a team,
Speaker:I have five people now working in my team.
Speaker:And I'm so incredibly lucky that I get to meet and
Speaker:I brought on these people.
Speaker:And they are also,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:Facebook ads managers.
Speaker:I have a project manager and an assistant,
Speaker:and they're all women who just wanted flexibility in their lives.
Speaker:They don't necessarily want to be selling their services.
Speaker:So they just want a job that pays them to do
Speaker:something they love and that is flexible around their kids.
Speaker:And I feel so incredibly lucky that I can provide that
Speaker:for them.
Speaker:So that's kind of the story of how it happened.
Speaker:Okay. So we were talking a little bit in the pre
Speaker:chat, and I want to get into Facebook,
Speaker:but I really want to start on the ground floor because
Speaker:I feel like a lot of people who are listening,
Speaker:yes, some people have used Facebook,
Speaker:some people have boosted some posts here and there.
Speaker:I think people shy away a little bit because they've heard
Speaker:some bad things about Facebook,
Speaker:et cetera.
Speaker:So let's start with why Facebook advertising?
Speaker:I think Facebook has an amazing,
Speaker:incredible ability for you to target your advertising to the right
Speaker:person at the right time,
Speaker:in the right situation,
Speaker:and to reach the right person.
Speaker:I want to say that's the magic of Facebook,
Speaker:is it gives you the power to reach the right person.
Speaker:So once you know who that right person is,
Speaker:this is a critical piece of foundational work that I see
Speaker:people where people get a little bit stuck sometimes is they're
Speaker:not a hundred percent sure who their ideal audience is,
Speaker:and then they think,
Speaker:Oh, if I can just reach more people,
Speaker:then my message will be heard.
Speaker:But it works the other way around.
Speaker:The clearer you can be on who your ideal audience is,
Speaker:the better you'll be able to reach them with Facebook ads
Speaker:and the beauty of Facebook ads.
Speaker:So to answer your question,
Speaker:why Facebook ads is because Facebook ads has this incredibly powerful
Speaker:way of targeting people and thereby being able to get your
Speaker:message in front of the right person at the right time
Speaker:and then start that conversation with them.
Speaker:Okay, so you're talking about the audience.
Speaker:And that people will make the mistake of thinking more is
Speaker:better. And you're saying,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:similar to how we've all heard niching down,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:the riches are in the niches,
Speaker:right? That whole saying,
Speaker:so that sounds like the concept applies here too to Facebook
Speaker:ads, but how does someone know if they're targeting the right
Speaker:audience before they start running ads?
Speaker:Or is it just testing you just start and see?
Speaker:Yeah, it's a bit of both.
Speaker:The most powerful thing with Facebook is the ability to take
Speaker:what you already have in your business.
Speaker:I call them your digital assets.
Speaker:So something like your email list,
Speaker:you can create audiences of people who have visited your website.
Speaker:You can create audiences of people who have engaged with you
Speaker:on Facebook or have engaged with you on Instagram,
Speaker:or you can create of people who have watched your videos.
Speaker:So if you're in that space where you're not a hundred
Speaker:percent sure where to find your ideal audience,
Speaker:create a video that you know your ideal audience will a
Speaker:hundred percent resonate with something that's going to add value to
Speaker:them. You're not asking them for anything.
Speaker:You're just leading with value.
Speaker:You're introducing them as the Euro in the story of using
Speaker:your product or service and you were showcasing,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:it can be a testimonial video or something that showcases the
Speaker:end user of your product or service.
Speaker:Right? So making the customer the hero.
Speaker:Exactly. Or if you're a coach,
Speaker:like something that teaches them something,
Speaker:something that is of value to them,
Speaker:you can make a video like that and then run that
Speaker:as an art,
Speaker:but run it as an ad for engagement.
Speaker:A lot of people run it as an ad for video
Speaker:views and often I think it's better to start out running
Speaker:it as an engagement ad because Facebook gives you what you
Speaker:ask Facebook to give you.
Speaker:So if you want video views,
Speaker:they're going to give you people who watch your video.
Speaker:If you ask for engagement,
Speaker:they're going to give you engagement.
Speaker:So if you could create a piece of content that is
Speaker:really draws your ideal audience in and gets them to comment
Speaker:and share,
Speaker:that's worth a lot more than a passive view.
Speaker:When someone's passively viewing a video,
Speaker:they're less involved than when they're actually commenting or sharing or
Speaker:liking or engaging with that piece of content.
Speaker:And then create those audiences.
Speaker:Create an audience of people who engaged with that piece of
Speaker:content. You can create a video views audience for that specific
Speaker:audience, or you can create an audience on Facebook that is
Speaker:for people who engaged with your content.
Speaker:Now you can take that audience and this is the beautiful
Speaker:thing. You can create a lookalike audience from that.
Speaker:So now you have people that you know,
Speaker:like your stuff,
Speaker:people who are interested in what you have,
Speaker:and you can create a lookalike audience from that.
Speaker:And what that basically is is it's just a mirror that
Speaker:Facebook just says,
Speaker:okay, we're going to take this bucket of people.
Speaker:Let's say there's a thousand people in your video views audience.
Speaker:Facebook takes those thousand and they create a profile of that
Speaker:person. And then they give you,
Speaker:let's say a million people who matches that profile.
Speaker:Now you can taste that same video on this lookalike audience,
Speaker:and now you're reaching what we call cold people.
Speaker:Now you're reaching new people on Facebook,
Speaker:so you're getting your message in front of new people,
Speaker:and then you can taste and see how is that message
Speaker:resonating with people.
Speaker:And I always recommend people to always be running two things
Speaker:at the same time.
Speaker:So if you're testing a video,
Speaker:run two videos and see which one does best,
Speaker:or if you're running one video,
Speaker:then run it to two different audiences so that you can
Speaker:see which audience is going to give you the best result.
Speaker:Because if you just put it out there to one audience
Speaker:or just put one piece of content out there,
Speaker:you have nothing to compare the results with.
Speaker:So that's another little tip for everyone.
Speaker:Right? Okay.
Speaker:So I want to back this up and summarize where we're
Speaker:at so far.
Speaker:You correct me if I'm wrong.
Speaker:Okay. So you first will create some type of a video
Speaker:and I'm assuming that you're saying video versus some type of
Speaker:a post because video plays better in Facebook right now.
Speaker:It gets more attention and all,
Speaker:so that's why you're saying video.
Speaker:Okay, so something that's video that's focusing not on you.
Speaker:So in other words,
Speaker:not just showing all of the products,
Speaker:all the things that you sell,
Speaker:right? Correct.
Speaker:But showing your customer,
Speaker:interacting with it,
Speaker:ways to use it maybe behind the scenes of its development,
Speaker:something that's interesting and curious for the viewer.
Speaker:Correct. Then when you're placing the ad,
Speaker:you talked a lot about you want to place it for
Speaker:engagement and I just want to make sure that all of
Speaker:our listeners understand that when you're actually creating ads,
Speaker:you can say what your intention is,
Speaker:what you're trying to get to and so your saying Salome
Speaker:that you should be going for engagement in this first ad.
Speaker:Correct? Yeah.
Speaker:Especially if you have some likes on your page and you
Speaker:already have people that are interested,
Speaker:you know you already have a good following built up,
Speaker:then you can run it as an engagement ad just to
Speaker:people who like your page and just start to build a
Speaker:little bit of social proof on that video because it works
Speaker:like a snowball.
Speaker:The more comments and shares you get,
Speaker:the more Facebook sees,
Speaker:Oh, this is a valuable piece of content.
Speaker:And then they show it to more and more and more
Speaker:people, Facebook values,
Speaker:engagement over everything else.
Speaker:So yes,
Speaker:step number one,
Speaker:create a video and run it as an engagement ad.
Speaker:You start developing an audience,
Speaker:and I think we should,
Speaker:when I'm done with the overview,
Speaker:we should start talking about the pixel because how in the
Speaker:world do you share it?
Speaker:So we'll talk about that.
Speaker:But so then just by theory here,
Speaker:so then what happens is you're starting to build up an
Speaker:audience that has engaged in that video.
Speaker:And from there that is then what you can use as
Speaker:the basis to create a lookalike audience.
Speaker:And we'll talk a little bit more about how that happens.
Speaker:And so then what you can do with that lookalike audience,
Speaker:which is now going to be cold traffic because they look
Speaker:similar to who you already are attracting,
Speaker:but you've never touched them before.
Speaker:And so now you're starting to reach out and test and
Speaker:your saying also test two different ideas at one time.
Speaker:So you can compare them against each other.
Speaker:Yes, you can either be tasting two different videos to the
Speaker:same audience or you can be tasting one video to two
Speaker:different audiences.
Speaker:Does that make sense?
Speaker:Yep. And you never want to test or change too many
Speaker:elements at one time because then you're not going to know
Speaker:which one actually caused the good result.
Speaker:Correct. And the algorithm takes three to optimize.
Speaker:So once you have launched your ads,
Speaker:you need to step away from it and not touch it
Speaker:for three days.
Speaker:That's the hardest part.
Speaker:Yes. And you sit there and you watch it and you
Speaker:watch your money,
Speaker:but you have to give it three days before you do
Speaker:anything because that's how long it takes.
Speaker:So we all shouldn't be nervous and anxious if nothing's happening
Speaker:after the first two minutes that we have an ad running
Speaker:live. Yes.
Speaker:Again, for people who are really new and have never dabbled
Speaker:in Facebook at all,
Speaker:let's talk about this scary little word that I know everyone's
Speaker:probably heard and that is the Facebook pixel.
Speaker:So why is that important and where does that play into
Speaker:everything we're talking about here?
Speaker:Yes. Okay,
Speaker:so before I jump into the pixel,
Speaker:I do want to say that there's lots of audiences you
Speaker:can create without the pixel.
Speaker:So if the pixel is something that you feel is going
Speaker:to be a little bit of a challenge for you,
Speaker:just move the pixel aside for a moment,
Speaker:but go into your account and make sure that you create
Speaker:your video view audiences because you don't need a pixel for
Speaker:that. You can create your audiences that have engaged with you
Speaker:on Facebook or audiences that have engaged with you on Instagram.
Speaker:You do not need the pixel for that.
Speaker:So just go in and create those audiences first because are
Speaker:audiences that you want to capture from the get go and
Speaker:you don't need to bother with any difficult pixels on there.
Speaker:Okay. All this talk about pixels,
Speaker:I promise we'll get into it right after a word from
Speaker:our sponsor.
Speaker:This podcast is made possible thanks to the support of the
Speaker:ribbon print company.
Speaker:Create custom ribbons right in your store or craft studio in
Speaker:seconds. Visit the ribbon,
Speaker:print company.com
Speaker:for more information.
Speaker:Okay, let's get into a mini tutorial all about creating custom
Speaker:audiences and then the pixel.
Speaker:Okay, so let me just open here cause I want to
Speaker:make sure that I tell you the right things.
Speaker:You are going to go to your Facebook page.
Speaker:I have so many shortcuts set up that I just want
Speaker:to make sure that I give people the right information from
Speaker:the beginning cause I like I go around the back doors
Speaker:or you can go to your Facebook newsfeed or you can
Speaker:go to your page.
Speaker:On the right hand top corner,
Speaker:there's a little dropdown menu,
Speaker:a little arrow,
Speaker:and when you click on that drop down arrow Amenia is
Speaker:going to come up and one of the options on that
Speaker:menu is create ads.
Speaker:And if you click on create ads,
Speaker:what's going to open up is called the Facebook ads manager.
Speaker:Now if you have never run any ads,
Speaker:the first thing that Facebook is going to prompt you to
Speaker:do is to create an account and this is a very
Speaker:simple process I take you through where you just enter your
Speaker:details, you link it to your page,
Speaker:and then you will add a credit card that you're going
Speaker:to be paying with.
Speaker:And once that is set up,
Speaker:then you will see your ads manager dashboard to create audiences.
Speaker:You're going to go up to the top left corner where
Speaker:there's three horizontal lines.
Speaker:We call it the hamburger cause it looks like you know
Speaker:it's just three horizontal lines like two buns and a Patty.
Speaker:If you click on that,
Speaker:there will be a dropdown menu again and then you're going
Speaker:to click on audiences.
Speaker:And then Facebook is going to open up a whole menu
Speaker:of audiences that you can create.
Speaker:So you'll say create audience.
Speaker:There's a blue button that says create audience and you are
Speaker:going to say you want to create a custom audience and
Speaker:then the custom audience that you want to create can either
Speaker:be an engagement audience and then you'll choose people who engaged
Speaker:with me on Facebook,
Speaker:people who engaged with me on Instagram,
Speaker:people who engaged with any of my posts.
Speaker:There's lots of choices that you can make and I encourage
Speaker:you to just go in there and play around with it.
Speaker:You cannot break it,
Speaker:you cannot mess it up.
Speaker:Just go in there and play around.
Speaker:So engagement audiences are the first thing that you want to
Speaker:go and look at.
Speaker:The second thing you want to go and look at is
Speaker:video view audiences.
Speaker:So again,
Speaker:that will be engagement.
Speaker:And then the sub category is video.
Speaker:And then there's the category under that will be,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:you'll choose specific videos.
Speaker:And then another audience you want to go in and create
Speaker:is maybe you want to upload your email list that will
Speaker:be a great audience for you to create.
Speaker:And another one that you can create that's a really good
Speaker:one is people who've been to your website.
Speaker:And that's where we get into the pixel conversation.
Speaker:Perfect. Okay.
Speaker:And so would you suggest that even if someone is just
Speaker:listening, they're not really thinking they're going to do Facebook ads
Speaker:yet cause we haven't finished the interview.
Speaker:I know we'll convince them by the end,
Speaker:but even if someone's thinking that they're not,
Speaker:wouldn't it be a good idea to start creating these now
Speaker:because then you're building your audiences over time versus when you
Speaker:decide you're going to run your first Facebook ad 100% yes.
Speaker:If you are doing anything on Facebook,
Speaker:Instagram or a website,
Speaker:you need to be building these audiences now because all of
Speaker:that time and energy and effort that you're putting into it,
Speaker:you're already doing the work to get people into these audiences.
Speaker:But if you haven't set up the audiences,
Speaker:then it's like opening a tap and not putting a bucket
Speaker:under it.
Speaker:They'll get richer and richer over time so that when you're
Speaker:ready, you'll have a really deep level of information.
Speaker:They're available with the audiences.
Speaker:Yes. So this is one of the things that I often
Speaker:see people want a common mistake is they boost posts,
Speaker:but then they don't have audiences set up to capture the
Speaker:people that engage with that post.
Speaker:So you're basically just putting money out there to put your
Speaker:ad in front of more people,
Speaker:but you have no way to continue the conversation with them.
Speaker:So if you're spending any time building an audience or building
Speaker:relationship with people using Facebook,
Speaker:Instagram, or a website,
Speaker:you need to have these audiences in place.
Speaker:Beautiful. Perfect.
Speaker:That's so actionable for everybody listening to the podcast,
Speaker:so that's wonderful.
Speaker:Okay, so now is it time to talk about the little
Speaker:pixel? Yes.
Speaker:Okay. So the pixel basically is just,
Speaker:it's a piece of code now.
Speaker:As soon as I hear the word code,
Speaker:I want to run away.
Speaker:So I think of it as like literally it's called the
Speaker:pixel, but if you think of it as pixie dust,
Speaker:it's literally like pixie dust.
Speaker:And if someone comes to your website,
Speaker:they get sprinkled with your pixie dust.
Speaker:It gets thrown on their head.
Speaker:So the pixel sits on your website,
Speaker:you put it on your website and or on any landing
Speaker:page that you have.
Speaker:And when someone comes to that page,
Speaker:Facebook recognizes them because they are wearing your pixie dust on
Speaker:their head.
Speaker:You know they have that.
Speaker:It's been like,
Speaker:I don't want to confuse you guys even more with my
Speaker:Bixy dust analogy.
Speaker:Everywhere they go,
Speaker:then they will get recognized because they have made a Mark,
Speaker:they've made an impression,
Speaker:they're recognizable to Facebook.
Speaker:So if I have a blog post on my website that
Speaker:is very popular and I have the Facebook pixel on my
Speaker:website, then I can create an audience of people who have
Speaker:been to that specific blog post.
Speaker:And because I have the Facebook pixel on that page,
Speaker:anybody who now comes to that page will fire off the
Speaker:pixel. So the pixel loads and it loads from that person's
Speaker:IP address or wherever and the pixel recognizes this person and
Speaker:they go into that custom audience,
Speaker:right? And now I can take that audience and I can
Speaker:run an ad to them.
Speaker:So let's say I now want to build my email list.
Speaker:I can run an ad to everyone who has been to
Speaker:that blog post.
Speaker:And the reason I know they've been there is because the
Speaker:pixel is there and they hit the page and it fired
Speaker:off the pixel.
Speaker:And so the pixel recognize them.
Speaker:Now I can run an ad to them and say,
Speaker:hi, you know you enjoyed this blog post about such and
Speaker:such. Here's the freebie that goes with that and I can
Speaker:re target them.
Speaker:Now the pixel is literally just,
Speaker:it's a copy and paste piece of code that you just
Speaker:put on the page and it lives there forever and you
Speaker:don't have to worry about it again.
Speaker:And you don't have to think about the pixel as such.
Speaker:But just know that you need to have the pixel on
Speaker:your website and you need to have it on any landing
Speaker:pages you use such as lead pages or click funnels or
Speaker:Kajabi if you use any of those programs.
Speaker:That pixel needs to be linked to that.
Speaker:Okay, and so could you just hire someone from Fiverr just
Speaker:to get your pixel on your website or wherever it needs
Speaker:to sit?
Speaker:That's what I did.
Speaker:I paid someone why back before I knew how to do
Speaker:it. I paid somebody five bucks to do it on my
Speaker:website. Okay,
Speaker:so no excuses.
Speaker:You don't need to know how to do it.
Speaker:Just $5 hire somebody,
Speaker:get it going.
Speaker:Cause again,
Speaker:you're starting to pull in all of that intelligence that you
Speaker:need, correct?
Speaker:Yes. If you're blogging or if you're creating content on your
Speaker:website, you want to be sure that you can capture the
Speaker:people who have visited those sites,
Speaker:who have been to those pages,
Speaker:who have engaged with that content.
Speaker:Right. I want to say this to everybody and you're free
Speaker:to comment on this too.
Speaker:Salome but it took me a long time to understand this.
Speaker:Now remember I'm coming out of marketing where we did buy
Speaker:direct mail,
Speaker:what Facebook now does online.
Speaker:So I am one who understands all of this targeting,
Speaker:but what I didn't understand for such a long time is,
Speaker:okay, so I put a blog post up and we all
Speaker:know that if I put a blog post up,
Speaker:no one's really going to see it unless I tell them.
Speaker:So I better send out an email to tell everybody and
Speaker:we know,
Speaker:okay, you're going to catch some people with that because some
Speaker:people will see the emails and actually open them and read
Speaker:it. Some people might just happen upon it.
Speaker:Some people you might put up a Facebook post about your
Speaker:blog. So that may be a way to get people to
Speaker:see and land and read that article.
Speaker:But that's usually where we all stop,
Speaker:right? Because,
Speaker:okay, so now we go on to another article,
Speaker:but how about what Salome is talking about here is retargeting
Speaker:those people who already showed interest in that topic and then
Speaker:sending something else out as like an added enhancement because we
Speaker:all know it takes several touches for people to really understand,
Speaker:take further interest,
Speaker:et cetera.
Speaker:So that's one thing that I didn't really understand about Facebook
Speaker:ads. The other thing I really didn't understand back to the
Speaker:emails and open rates.
Speaker:I mean we all rejoice now.
Speaker:If we get open rates of even 17% let's say,
Speaker:but Facebook ads is another way of getting in front of
Speaker:people who aren't opening your email.
Speaker:And I didn't understand that for the longest time cause it's
Speaker:like a why do that?
Speaker:I'm emailing the whole audience anyway.
Speaker:Well less than a quarter of your audience is even opening
Speaker:the email.
Speaker:But they might be on Facebook and looking.
Speaker:So that's where you can get in front of them.
Speaker:That's right.
Speaker:I want to give you an example.
Speaker:I've just finished a promotion with one of my other clients
Speaker:where she's got a product that's a one $97 product.
Speaker:It's an information product and we wanted to put the price
Speaker:up to two 97 on the 1st of November.
Speaker:So what we did for all of October is we ran
Speaker:ads to her warm audiences.
Speaker:So two people who were on her email list,
Speaker:people who engaged with her website,
Speaker:people who engaged with her on Facebook and Instagram.
Speaker:We just ran ads to those people.
Speaker:So it's not new brand new people.
Speaker:It's people who are already know,
Speaker:like and trust her.
Speaker:They already know about her,
Speaker:they're already inside her community and we just let them know,
Speaker:Hey, here's the product and the price is going up at
Speaker:the end of the month.
Speaker:And we made a good deal of sales from that and
Speaker:now the price has gone up and now that the price
Speaker:is up,
Speaker:now we're going to run that to new people.
Speaker:And now we've got a promotion for new people.
Speaker:But everyone who was on her email list,
Speaker:they got her emails.
Speaker:Yes, but they also got the Facebook ads and they made
Speaker:sales. Beautiful.
Speaker:Wonderful. I love,
Speaker:thank you for sharing that example from another client.
Speaker:You kept her identity masked.
Speaker:So very good.
Speaker:Yeah. So,
Speaker:but no,
Speaker:that's a really good example.
Speaker:I'd like to bring up another topic that I'm sure my
Speaker:listeners are thinking about and that is,
Speaker:uh, how much money do you need to start diving into
Speaker:Facebook ads?
Speaker:Oh, that's a good question.
Speaker:So that is what everyone is asking.
Speaker:So the conversation about this has changed in the last year.
Speaker:A lot.
Speaker:We used to say you can run ads for five or
Speaker:$10 a day and that's all you need.
Speaker:The truth is that is not a hundred percent the case
Speaker:anymore. You can still start with five or $10 a day,
Speaker:but you're going to start differently.
Speaker:So let me explain that.
Speaker:If you are running ads where you want people to opt
Speaker:in for an email list or download a freebie or give
Speaker:you their email in exchange for something else,
Speaker:you can not start with $10 a day.
Speaker:And the reason for this is Facebook has announced to us
Speaker:that the algorithm needs 30 to 50 conversions.
Speaker:A conversion is someone who completed the action we want.
Speaker:So if we want an email address,
Speaker:then that means once they have submitted their email address and
Speaker:they've come to our thank you page that says thank you
Speaker:for downloading my freebie,
Speaker:that means there are conversion.
Speaker:What Facebook is saying is they want 30 to 50 conversions
Speaker:in the first week for the algorithm to fully optimize.
Speaker:Now, if you think about an average conversion costing $5 let's
Speaker:work on average,
Speaker:let's say it costs $5 to get one email address.
Speaker:If you're running $10 a day,
Speaker:you're going to get two conversions in the first day and
Speaker:then to conversions in the second day and then two conversions
Speaker:in the third day.
Speaker:And so by the end of the third day when the
Speaker:algorithm's supposed to be learning stuff,
Speaker:it's only had six conversions.
Speaker:So it hasn't had enough learning experience to be able to
Speaker:really give you what you need.
Speaker:That's why the $10 a day strategy for an ad where
Speaker:you were looking to get email addresses doesn't work anymore.
Speaker:So instead,
Speaker:if you are starting out with ads and you want to
Speaker:grow your email list,
Speaker:I recommend use one ad set and put at least $25
Speaker:a day inside that ad set.
Speaker:And you can have multiple ads in that ad set.
Speaker:So you're tasting different creative options.
Speaker:So maybe different videos,
Speaker:different images,
Speaker:different copy options,
Speaker:but have that one ad set that has enough money in
Speaker:it so that you can get at least five conversions in
Speaker:day one and five in day two and five in day
Speaker:three so that the algorithm can learn and give you the
Speaker:best quality conversions.
Speaker:So that's my answer.
Speaker:If you're running your email list,
Speaker:if you're not in the place yet where you are running
Speaker:your email list,
Speaker:but you do want to start using ads,
Speaker:you can then start it with $10 a day.
Speaker:And what do you need to do then is then you
Speaker:need to run video ads to engagement with an engagement objective.
Speaker:Because what you need to start building up is you need
Speaker:to start building up conversation and conversation is engagement and conversation
Speaker:is what is going to get Facebook to show your video
Speaker:or your content to more and more and more people.
Speaker:Does that make sense?
Speaker:It makes perfect sense and I'm going to make you respond
Speaker:to what I know a lot of our audience does on
Speaker:Facebook right now and that is they will run an ad
Speaker:which is a picture of their product,
Speaker:probably with a price point on it and explaining why this
Speaker:would be a good thing for people to purchase.
Speaker:Right? And then they might boost that ad.
Speaker:What are they doing there?
Speaker:They're asking people to marry them before they've taken them out
Speaker:on a date.
Speaker:But what if Salome I have a Facebook page with a
Speaker:lot of followers.
Speaker:I'm pretending like I'm our listeners right now.
Speaker:Okay. I interact with a lot of people on my page
Speaker:and so I'm feeling like just putting a post up there
Speaker:and then boosting it.
Speaker:I'm showing it to people who already know me.
Speaker:Okay, so a couple of things about that.
Speaker:Firstly, I want to say if you're selling physical products like
Speaker:most of your audience,
Speaker:if they're selling something,
Speaker:some kind of a physical thing,
Speaker:you can occasionally run a promotion and it be a direct
Speaker:sale. Okay.
Speaker:Usually do that,
Speaker:but do that strategically and do it with a plan and
Speaker:do it knowing,
Speaker:having a clear idea of what the return on investment is
Speaker:that you're going to run.
Speaker:That's the short guy.
Speaker:If you're playing the long game,
Speaker:what you want to do is you want to imagine that
Speaker:your client is somebody that you want to date and you
Speaker:are going to first run an ad where you are just
Speaker:going to introduce them to your product,
Speaker:but you're packaging it up as them being the Euro who
Speaker:uses the product.
Speaker:You're not making it about the product.
Speaker:You're making it about the end user who has a better
Speaker:life after using the product or who has thinking,
Speaker:like if you're,
Speaker:you know who makes their kids happy at the birthday party
Speaker:because they bought your beautiful biscuits or something like that.
Speaker:You want to present the customer as the Euro and get
Speaker:them to be curious about your product,
Speaker:introduce them to your product.
Speaker:That's step one.
Speaker:Step two is get them onto your email list.
Speaker:Get them to opt in for your email list,
Speaker:get them to get your 10% discount that you give to
Speaker:people who join your email list or get them to sign
Speaker:up for some kind of a promotion or something that you
Speaker:have. And then only do you ask them for the style.
Speaker:So there's these clear three layers that you need to think
Speaker:about if you're going to build a sustainable longterm growth with
Speaker:predictable results business.
Speaker:But you know,
Speaker:by all means,
Speaker:if you want to make a quick buck,
Speaker:boost a post to a few people and you know,
Speaker:it's kind of like throwing spaghetti on the wall and hoping
Speaker:something will stick.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:it kind of feels in the beginning when you're get just
Speaker:getting acquainted to the concept of taking your customer or prospective
Speaker:customer really step by step through the process.
Speaker:It kind of feels like,
Speaker:can't I just like run the race and get there faster,
Speaker:but you're going to have much higher quality people who will
Speaker:stay with you for the long term.
Speaker:It won't be the one off.
Speaker:Yeah. The more relationship you can build with people before you
Speaker:ask them for a sale,
Speaker:the better quality client you will have and the more sales
Speaker:you will make longterm.
Speaker:So it might end up costing you more at the front
Speaker:end, but you are definitely going to make more at the
Speaker:back end.
Speaker:Whereas if you keep going for the cheap style,
Speaker:it's going to be a once off thing and they're going
Speaker:to be gone and you're going to be in hustle mode
Speaker:forever. Then you'll always be churning.
Speaker:Yeah, you'll always be turning right.
Speaker:It's just going to keep putting you in that fear based
Speaker:responsive state instead of being in a proactive,
Speaker:strategic, clever place where you know the lifetime value of your
Speaker:clients and do you know what your clients really want and
Speaker:you can really give that to them at the right time.
Speaker:Got it.
Speaker:Okay. Words of wisdom for someone who's been listening,
Speaker:never dabbled in Facebook ads ever before,
Speaker:what would you say to them in terms of strategically using
Speaker:Facebook ads for their business?
Speaker:I would say if they've never used Facebook ads before,
Speaker:I would say make sure you know who you're talking to
Speaker:and what they want.
Speaker:That is such a hurdle to overcome is know who you're
Speaker:talking to and be very clear on what they want and
Speaker:what the outcome is that they want from using your product
Speaker:or your service or having that.
Speaker:And once you have that messaging nailed the way to speak
Speaker:to your clients to light up their eyes and make them
Speaker:go, I want that.
Speaker:Now once you can do that,
Speaker:then ads become really easy.
Speaker:And then I want to say,
Speaker:just know that there's life after Facebook ads,
Speaker:Facebook ads,
Speaker:you know it does take a little bit of getting used
Speaker:to creating ads and running ads and understanding it,
Speaker:but you have done harder things than that in your life.
Speaker:And Facebook ads can be conquered.
Speaker:Like there's a lot of people who understand it and you
Speaker:can do it too.
Speaker:Like that's kind of my message to them is I see
Speaker:so many people that are so overwhelmed and confused by it
Speaker:and then they don't even want to jump in.
Speaker:And I just want to say like I had this math
Speaker:teacher in school who used to tell us there is life
Speaker:after math.
Speaker:I think it resonates with me because I felt about maths
Speaker:probably the way some people feel about the Facebook ads,
Speaker:but the Facebook ads manager,
Speaker:it just triggers all sorts of emotions in me.
Speaker:There is life after Facebook ads like you can figure it
Speaker:out and you will figure it out if you stick with
Speaker:it. So if someone doesn't know,
Speaker:should they just go to some YouTube videos just to start
Speaker:getting a feel for it or what would you suggest there
Speaker:in terms of some real direction?
Speaker:I would not go to YouTube videos actually just because Facebook
Speaker:ads, it changes so fast that you kind of want to
Speaker:know the latest and update information.
Speaker:I am a huge fan of Rick Mulready and I listened
Speaker:to his podcast.
Speaker:His podcast is called the art of paid traffic and he
Speaker:is a really,
Speaker:really good,
Speaker:he was my teacher and mentor and he's really,
Speaker:really good at breaking this down into really simple,
Speaker:easy to understand steps.
Speaker:So that's,
Speaker:that's like sort of if you want to learn from someone
Speaker:how to do this,
Speaker:like I would say podcasts or the base.
Speaker:Rick Mulready is art of paid traffic and then there's one
Speaker:that digital marketer does.
Speaker:Oh, it escapes me,
Speaker:what it's called and I'll send it to you.
Speaker:Okay. Yeah,
Speaker:I'll put it in the show notes along with Rick's the
Speaker:art of paid traffic.
Speaker:So you'll have links to both and we'll have to tell
Speaker:him that we're giving him a plug here.
Speaker:Okay. As we're circling to a close here,
Speaker:salami, I'd like to present you with a virtual gift.
Speaker:It's a magical box containing unlimited possibilities for your future and
Speaker:it doesn't need to be just your Facebook future.
Speaker:By the way,
Speaker:this is your dream or your goal of almost unreachable Heights
Speaker:that you would wish to obtain.
Speaker:Please accept this gift and open it in our presence.
Speaker:What is inside your box?
Speaker:Inside my box is looking at my life and feeling like
Speaker:I have made a significant impact on a lot of people
Speaker:and I'm living a slower life.
Speaker:That's my gift is just,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:I have this picture in my head of me sitting in
Speaker:my backyard with my kids swimming in the pool and me
Speaker:having slowed down and just being present and knowing that all
Speaker:the hard work that I have done have made to impacting
Speaker:and to helping and building other people's lives up as well.
Speaker:So there's sort of those two components to it.
Speaker:I love that.
Speaker:Well, I'm kind of manifesting in my mind that I'm just
Speaker:going to walk into the backyard and serve you a drink
Speaker:by surprise.
Speaker:We'll take that all day long.
Speaker:So I will take that all day long.
Speaker:I will be very happy when you walk into my backyard.
Speaker:Oh right.
Speaker:Well I've been to Australia,
Speaker:but I haven't been to Perth so you never know.
Speaker:It's still on the list.
Speaker:How would you direct our listeners to get in touch with
Speaker:you for they want to know more about you?
Speaker:Yes, so they can find me on Instagram.
Speaker:Salome dot shellac.
Speaker:You'll hook that up in the show notes for the spelling
Speaker:Of course.
Speaker:So I'm on Instagram on there.
Speaker:I love engaging people on Instagram.
Speaker:I'm on Facebook.
Speaker:My business is called shine and succeed,
Speaker:but if they search for Salome Sherlock,
Speaker:they'll find that too.
Speaker:But I think shine and succeed is much easier to spell.
Speaker:There you go.
Speaker:And yeah,
Speaker:just send me a direct message on Instagram or on Facebook.
Speaker:Send me a message.
Speaker:Tell me you heard from me over here and I would
Speaker:love to hear you know what you need help with Facebook
Speaker:ads. Beautiful.
Speaker:Okay, give biz listeners first.
Speaker:I am giving you homework.
Speaker:I think this might be the first time I've ever done
Speaker:this. I've made suggestions,
Speaker:but right now I'm giving you homework.
Speaker:Number one,
Speaker:go in and build your audiences.
Speaker:Like today,
Speaker:it's way if you're listening to this,
Speaker:when it goes live,
Speaker:it's Monday.
Speaker:It's the perfect start to the week.
Speaker:Build your audiences.
Speaker:So you're starting to capture everybody now.
Speaker:You don't want to miss them another day and Salome gave
Speaker:us exactly the details to do it.
Speaker:So it should be super easy.
Speaker:How long will it take them to build a few of
Speaker:those audiences?
Speaker:Half an hour.
Speaker:Yes. Okay,
Speaker:so do that.
Speaker:And the second thing is go to Fiverr,
Speaker:go to someone in your chamber who knows this stuff,
Speaker:whatever and get that pixel placed on your website.
Speaker:Any other places like lead pages,
Speaker:et cetera,
Speaker:all the ones that Salome talked about.
Speaker:Just doing those two things is setting you up perfectly for
Speaker:the future.
Speaker:When you're looking at doing Facebook ads,
Speaker:whether it's sooner or later.
Speaker:Yes, a hundred percent agree with what you say.
Speaker:Go do it today because the day you want to start
Speaker:running ads,
Speaker:you already have audiences sitting in the bank.
Speaker:Right? Absolutely.
Speaker:And Salome is so interesting.
Speaker:I mean you have been a master at my Facebook ad
Speaker:strategy. I am so thankful every day that I have you.
Speaker:And I also appreciate now that you have shared so much
Speaker:with our listeners here today,
Speaker:I think they've all learned something.
Speaker:There may be a little bit of some bitter truth in
Speaker:terms of what people have been doing,
Speaker:but you know what we do,
Speaker:what we know and you've shared with us now how to
Speaker:be better and hopefully reap more returns.
Speaker:You know the profit like you were saying in the beginning.
Speaker:So thank you so much for shedding the,
Speaker:what did you call it?
Speaker:Fairy sprinkles.
Speaker:Fairy dust.
Speaker:Fairy dust.
Speaker:The pixie dust.
Speaker:Thank you so much for sharing the pixie dust all over
Speaker:us today.
Speaker:I so appreciate you.
Speaker:Thank you so much.
Speaker:I think so.
Speaker:I appreciate you too.
Speaker:Thank you so much and thank you to your listeners.
Speaker:Okay, announcement time.
Speaker:So I'm usually pretty good at keeping secrets but I'm spilling
Speaker:the beans.
Speaker:I can't help it.
Speaker:I'm so excited.
Speaker:I just want to tell you guys what I've been working
Speaker:on over the last few months.
Speaker:It's been a little bit of a secret project because I
Speaker:wasn't sure exactly what the timing was going to look like
Speaker:on it,
Speaker:but I can't wait.
Speaker:I have to share with you my secret.
Speaker:Many of you have been following me for a while.
Speaker:Know that I wrote a book that came out last may.
Speaker:It's maker to master,
Speaker:but that's not what this is about.
Speaker:Although it spins off a similar concept.
Speaker:When I was getting serious about writing that book,
Speaker:there were actually two books that I had in my mind.
Speaker:One was maker to master and that truth be told was
Speaker:the harder one to do,
Speaker:but I also was really interested in writing a book that
Speaker:was an inspirational book kind of inspiration a day.
Speaker:I know you've seen those out there where it's 365 inspiring
Speaker:thoughts for your year or something like that.
Speaker:I think very often we get defeated by our own self-talk
Speaker:and we also sway away from core solid business growth values
Speaker:because there's a new social media site that's available or other
Speaker:things come up that take our mind off of the really
Speaker:important things that we need to grow our business.
Speaker:As things happen,
Speaker:my idea continued to evolve and I came up with the
Speaker:idea of instead of doing a 365 inspiring tips type book,
Speaker:it would be way more helpful for you if it was
Speaker:included in some type of a planner so that every day
Speaker:when you're planning out your day,
Speaker:you'd also then see a tip.
Speaker:If I look at how I work with things,
Speaker:I don't know if I would have a book on the
Speaker:side of my desk and every day look at one day's
Speaker:inspiration and then another day's inspiration.
Speaker:Way better to have everything in one place.
Speaker:Consequently, I have created a planner.
Speaker:It's called inspired a daily planner specifically for you,
Speaker:our wonderful community of gifters,
Speaker:bakers, crafters and makers.
Speaker:I'll be sharing more in the upcoming days,
Speaker:but let me give you a few highlights here.
Speaker:One of the cool things about this planner is you can
Speaker:start any month of the year.
Speaker:Have you ever been like me where all of a sudden
Speaker:in may you decide I want to start doing things different.
Speaker:I want to get myself really organized,
Speaker:but then you go to find a planner and they either
Speaker:start in September going into the next year or do you
Speaker:have to buy a year and all the prior months of
Speaker:the year are useless for you because you're already in may
Speaker:with this planner.
Speaker:You can start any time.
Speaker:If you're listening to this announcement in January,
Speaker:you can start it right away.
Speaker:If you're hearing this in may,
Speaker:you can use this planner starting in may.
Speaker:It has monthly and daily layout,
Speaker:so you'll be able to keep yourself really organized and special
Speaker:life enhancing sections.
Speaker:More on that later.
Speaker:It also includes what I've been talking about earlier and the
Speaker:reason I changed this from a book to a planner and
Speaker:that is daily inspiration.
Speaker:Things that you need to be telling yourself,
Speaker:affirmations to get in the right mindset as the owner of
Speaker:your also business tips and ideas.
Speaker:Some of them you're going to read and you're like,
Speaker:yep, got it,
Speaker:it's covered and then others might give you some pause ideas
Speaker:of things you might want to implement into your business to
Speaker:further either solidify or grow what you already have going.
Speaker:That's all I'm going to share with you right now,
Speaker:but I will tell you that we are just weeks away
Speaker:from getting this out to you.
Speaker:I'm going to do a limited first run and if you
Speaker:want to be one of the first ones to know when
Speaker:it's available,
Speaker:jump over to gift biz unwrapped.com
Speaker:forward slash add me and you'll get an email when the
Speaker:planner is ready.
Speaker:That link again is gift biz unwrapped.com
Speaker:forward slash add me.
Speaker:There is no time like the present to take the next
Speaker:step on solidifying the dream.
Speaker:You have for your business.
Speaker:The new inspired planner could be just the ticket to making
Speaker:sure that that actually happens for you.
Speaker:This year.
Speaker:Have a great week and I'll catch you next Monday for