Tips & Talk 106 – A Different Way to Look at Your Competition

Competition is not something you need to fear. There are actually advantages to being in a well-known and established industry. I explain why and how to look at your competition differently. The emotion and feeling of discomfort comes up when you don’t have a plan to tackle competitive situations. Here’s why competition is a good…

Tips & Talk 64 – 5 Craft Show Tips You’ve Never Heard Before

Craft shows can be the lifeblood of a handmade product business. It’s the easiest way to find and interact with people, get feedback on your products and the most immediate way to bring in sales. PLUS – no shipping time or delivery costs! We’re not going to talk about the basics of participating in a…

Tips & Talk 7 – Craft Show Convo Part 2 – Planning and Preparation

Selecting and registering for a craft show is a great start. Now we need to make sure you’re prepared to get the best results possible. OR you may be sitting in the other camp, thinking of all the things that could go wrong … so you never actually did sign up for that show. (Busted!)…