Tips & Talk 109 – The BEST Thing You Can Do to Increase Your Sales

There are lots of ways to increase your sales but today I’m going to tell you what I believe to be the number one thing you should be doing to see your orders increase. What I have to say is going to be controversial because it goes against natural inclinations. It will feel like you’re…

405 – How to Increase Customer Retention with Kerri McDonald

Here’s possibly the most important thing you can do to grow your business. Learn how to retain customers who have already purchased from you so they buy again.  Of course, some customers will drop off, month to month, or be one-time purchasers. But the strategy you’ll hear about today can STOP that constant search for…

Tips & Talk 86 – 6 Tips to UP Your Email Game

There’s more to this email thing than just sending them out regularly. If you haven’t gotten started with email yet, wait no longer. You’re leaving money on the table. Struggling with what to say in your emails? I’ve got you covered there in my Tips & Talk episode #83. Today let’s take email marketing up…