Tips & Talk 55 – Are You Missing this Critical Selling Skill?

In this episode I give you 5 tips to get your listening skills up to par. Listening is a skill that seems so elementary but is often completely ignored. The next time you’re engaged in a conversation, observe your own behavior to check in on your listening skills. Sure, you may be hearing what someone…

Tips & Talk 27 – The Sales Channel Panel

The Sales Channel Panel is the strategy that is key to maintaining sales and managing through any crisis or unforseen selling challenge. It includes all the elements for getting visibility, communicating your messages and bringing in orders. In this episode I give an explanation of the strategy including all the elements and how it works.…

Tips & Talk 11 – Take the Two Word Challenge with Me

Take the 2 Word Challenge! By eliminating these two words from your vocabulary, you’ll become a stronger, more purposeful communicator and create an achievability mindset. People are more likely to listen to what you have to say and you’ll be seen as more professional too. Are you taking me up on this challenge? Let me…