Tips & Talk 76 – My Month Off of Social Media

I took a month off social media in July. This wasn’t my intent but it proved to be an enlightening experience. You may be thinking my account got hacked or closed. Nope. Worse. Tragedy happened in my life. I wasn’t in a headspace for social media at all. Hard stop. In fact, I was off…

Tips & Talk 70 – This Drives Me Crazy and Isn’t Good for You Either!

It makes me crazy every time I encounter it – and it’s a lot! There are two reasons this frustrates me so much. First, I’m stopped in my tracks from being able to move forward at all and second, so are you! All attempts at making connections and progress with this strategy in your business…

372 – BASH – What REALLY is Social Media’s Role in Your Business?

Today’s topic couldn’t be more timely with all the questions, concerns, and what seems like daily changes happening in the social media landscape. 👉 Are you spending a lot of time on social media tasks because you’re clear on specifically what it can do for your business? 👉 Or are you doing it because everyone…