118 – Monetize Thyself™ with Business Wisdom from Nicole Walters
Nicole is an income strategist who works with everyday entrepreneurs by applying corporate strategies to help build their businesses.
She has worked as a client-facing business executive for Fortune 500 companies in both sales and marketing for over ten years.
Everyone from stay-at-home parents to small-business owners can access her affordable and entertaining webinars and private monetization coaching.
Using her trademarked Pitch & Pray method, Nicole helps her clients embrace the Monetize Thyself
mindset and realize their brand’s fiscal goals.
“I specialize in income makeovers – meaning I help aspiring entrepreneurs gain the clarity and confidence they need to move forward with turning their passion into profits. If you want your side project or hobby to transform into a full-time earning opportunity, I can help you earn the income you deserve.”
Nicole’s Story
Nicole calls her start in life the true American story [6:01]
What she learned from livestreaming on Periscope [8:06]
Hear how Nicole quit her corporate job live on Periscope [8:32]
Growing to a 7-figure business in 18 months [10:11]
Depending on her faith as the foundation [14:48]
Candle Flickering Moments
What if what you’re planning doesn’t work out? [24:01]
Business is only one part of who you are [26:59]
Business Building Insights
How to know if it’s time to quit your 9-5 [12:15]
The first steps to monetize your own business [16:14]
Finding value in your corporate job that will help with your new biz later [16:00]
Start up costs and the answer if you have a limited income [17:57]
Find the experts who can get your job done faster and right the first time [18:50]
Different worlds – the entrepreneur vs corporate careers [28:45]
Get support from people several steps ahead of you [37:01]
Are you working toward something you really want? [38:05]
Family first and the Gary Vaynerchuk comparison [38:38 ]
Recommended Resources
Outsourcing to prevent bottlenecks[ 31:32]
Fiverr – Freelance services for the lean entrepreneur
Upwork – Project based professional freelancers
Contact Links
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You're listening to gift biz unwrapped episode 118.
Speaker:We all know that nagging feeling inside of us when we're
Speaker:just like,
Speaker:man, like we're meant for something more.
Speaker:Hi, this is John Lee,
Speaker:Dumas of entrepreneur on fire,
Speaker:and you're listening to gift to biz unwrapped.
Speaker:And now it's time to light it up.
Speaker:Welcome to gift bears on wrapped your source for industry specific
Speaker:insights and advice to develop and grow your business.
Speaker:And now here's your host,
Speaker:Sue Mona height.
Speaker:Before we get into the show,
Speaker:I have a question for you.
Speaker:Do you know that you should be out networking,
Speaker:but you just can't get yourself to do it because it's
Speaker:scary. Are you afraid that you might walk into the room
Speaker:and not know anybody or that you're going to freeze?
Speaker:When you get up to do that infamous elevator speech,
Speaker:where you talk about yourself and your business,
Speaker:while I'm here to tell you that it doesn't need to
Speaker:be scary.
Speaker:If you know what to do to help you with this,
Speaker:I would like to offer you a coffee chat for the
Speaker:price of buying me a cup of coffee.
Speaker:We can sit down through an online video and I'll tell
Speaker:you everything that I know about networking and how I have
Speaker:personally built two multi-six figure businesses,
Speaker:primarily through networking.
Speaker:You'll walk away with a solid understanding about how networking can
Speaker:truly grow your business.
Speaker:And you're going to have new found confidence because I'm going
Speaker:to give you 10 fill in the blank template that you
Speaker:can use for your introduction message.
Speaker:To learn more about this opportunity.
Speaker:Just go over to Bitly forward slash network Ninja.
Speaker:That's B I T dot L Y forward slash network Ninja.
Speaker:And now let's move on to the show.
Speaker:Hi there it's Sue and welcome to the gift biz on
Speaker:wrapped podcast,
Speaker:whether you own a brick and mortar shop sell online or
Speaker:are just getting started,
Speaker:you'll discover new insight to gain traction and to grow your
Speaker:business. And today I have joining us,
Speaker:Nicole Walters of Nicole Walters TV.
Speaker:Nicole is an income strategist who works with everyday entrepreneurs by
Speaker:applying corporate strategies to help build their businesses.
Speaker:She's worked as a client facing business executive for fortune 500
Speaker:companies in both sales and marketing for over 10 years.
Speaker:Everyone from stay at home.
Speaker:Parents to small business owners can access for affordable and entertaining
Speaker:webinars and private monetization coaching.
Speaker:She calls her fan base,
Speaker:rich friends,
Speaker:and today We all get to be part of that TRIBE.
Speaker:So with that,
Speaker:Nicole, welcome to the show.
Speaker:Hi, I'm so excited to be here,
Speaker:listen to your energy.
Speaker:I love that sort of thing.
Speaker:I can't even tell you it's exciting because I actually visualize
Speaker:myself in front of all these people like,
Speaker:Hey, let's do this that's right.
Speaker:Well, and when I saw you live,
Speaker:well, I'm not even gonna go there because we're going to
Speaker:talk about the shore,
Speaker:but our colors,
Speaker:jive. And I'm like,
Speaker:okay, I already loved you just seeing you online.
Speaker:And then in person,
Speaker:you're the same everywhere you go.
Speaker:So I know our listeners here are in for a treat
Speaker:hearing you chatting today.
Speaker:Oh, socks thing I like to get started by having you
Speaker:describe yourself in a creative way over and above the intro
Speaker:that we just did.
Speaker:So if you were to create your own motivational candle,
Speaker:that totally gives us insight into you,
Speaker:what color would it be and what would be a quote
Speaker:or a saying that would be on the candle?
Speaker:So I got to say first and foremost,
Speaker:I have never had this question before.
Speaker:I didn't even know motivational candles existed.
Speaker:So this is the thing I need.
Speaker:Some, you know,
Speaker:whatever is foremost,
Speaker:all right.
Speaker:Then I love that.
Speaker:So if anyone out there is looking for business ideas,
Speaker:like that's solid,
Speaker:but my candle would be yellow.
Speaker:It would be yellow because that's my absolute favorite color.
Speaker:Cause I feel like it's the only color that matches how
Speaker:I feel inside.
Speaker:So it's like bright and it's fun and it stands out
Speaker:and it just makes you feel good.
Speaker:And you know,
Speaker:if I could be a color,
Speaker:it would be yellow.
Speaker:You were all yellow.
Speaker:I am all Yellow.
Speaker:And then of course,
Speaker:motivational quotes.
Speaker:So I am actually a woman of faith because I believe
Speaker:in God and I'm saved.
Speaker:My quote actually comes from the Bible.
Speaker:It's first,
Speaker:Peter four 10.
Speaker:And this is a driving inspiration behind my business.
Speaker:That quote is each of you should use whatever gift you
Speaker:have received to serve others as faithful stewards of God's grace
Speaker:in its various forms.
Speaker:And my interpretation of it from the Bible is that I've
Speaker:been gifted,
Speaker:specific and unique skills from God.
Speaker:And that's my blessing their mind to have and to use.
Speaker:But they're only really beneficial if I'm using them to serve
Speaker:other people.
Speaker:And that is the best way for me to glorify the
Speaker:fact that I've been given this gift.
Speaker:So that kind of gets me up out of my seat
Speaker:every single day,
Speaker:because as a woman of faith,
Speaker:I want to make sure I'm doing what I'm supposed to
Speaker:do and that serving people I love.
Speaker:Yeah. And that's obviously what you're all about.
Speaker:I think there's something else to look at in that quote
Speaker:too. And that is so many people when they start off,
Speaker:they see someone who is successful and they want to be
Speaker:just like them and that's not necessarily their gift.
Speaker:Oh no,
Speaker:not at all.
Speaker:You're totally right.
Speaker:Really. You have to identify your own gift and what comes
Speaker:natural to you and what really resonates in jives with you
Speaker:and present that to the world.
Speaker:Absolutely. I think one of the phrases that I like to
Speaker:use in my community all the time is be a disruptor,
Speaker:not a duplicator.
Speaker:There's nothing wrong with taking,
Speaker:what's been tried and true and applying it to allow you
Speaker:to sort of skip past mistakes.
Speaker:That's why it's important to learn from the experts,
Speaker:but always put your own spin on it.
Speaker:Because if not,
Speaker:you're depriving the world of the one thing that you're here
Speaker:to do,
Speaker:which is to create,
Speaker:change and inspire,
Speaker:and you already have the tools to do that.
Speaker:So yeah.
Speaker:Do your own thing.
Speaker:Beautiful. Perfect.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:So now let's talk about your thing,
Speaker:but let's go back a little bit,
Speaker:talk with us because you have such an interesting story about
Speaker:what happened with you from the transition from corporate on,
Speaker:but go back a little bit as,
Speaker:as you think you need to start and share with everybody
Speaker:your journey.
Speaker:Sure, absolutely.
Speaker:So I always like to start from the very beginning,
Speaker:which is that I am the American story if you will.
Speaker:So I am the daughter of two African immigrants that fought
Speaker:and worked very hard to get here,
Speaker:do the paperwork and line everything up so that they could
Speaker:take advantage of the American dream and really contribute to this
Speaker:country. And so they raised me to believe and to work
Speaker:towards, you know,
Speaker:earning everything that I have and what that meant was riding
Speaker:around with my dad and his taxi cab every single day
Speaker:and not always having ends meet,
Speaker:but knowing that the value of education was there.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:I really had the choice of either growing up to clean
Speaker:a building or growing up to put my name on the
Speaker:side of one,
Speaker:but that was all going to be determined by the work
Speaker:ethic I put out.
Speaker:So from day one,
Speaker:I worked very,
Speaker:very hard to make sure that wherever I had an opportunity,
Speaker:I capitalized on it.
Speaker:And that led me to the corporate world where I became
Speaker:very successful very quickly.
Speaker:And by 28 I had a six-figure job and I was
Speaker:senior executive within a fortune 500 company.
Speaker:And I'm working business a business.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:I truly thought I added all it.
Speaker:And I mean,
Speaker:if you'd spoken to my dad,
Speaker:my dad,
Speaker:of course,
Speaker:as a taxi driver and African-American,
Speaker:he's like my daughter,
Speaker:you are doing so well,
Speaker:you have business cards,
Speaker:you have office,
Speaker:he sounds adorable mobile,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:but it's also like you,
Speaker:no doubt are trying to explain this thing to you.
Speaker:And it's called entrepreneurship and I feel a little unfulfilled and
Speaker:I know I have more to offer and he's kind of
Speaker:like what you have office.
Speaker:And it was really tough because I knew that.
Speaker:And I think we all know that nagging feeling inside of
Speaker:us when we're just like,
Speaker:man, like we're meant for something more.
Speaker:And I can't quite put my finger on it,
Speaker:but what I do know is I have to chase after
Speaker:that thing and I need to start building because if I
Speaker:don't start building,
Speaker:it's not going away.
Speaker:And that's what happened.
Speaker:I started building while I was working my nine to five
Speaker:job, I started building the foundations,
Speaker:taking from what I knew from corporate and making sure that
Speaker:my business was financially stable,
Speaker:making sure that the structures were right and making sure that
Speaker:it was monetized from day one.
Speaker:So I wasn't rushing on the backend to take a bunch
Speaker:of followers and convince them to pay me in doing that.
Speaker:I got a live streaming and I think that's might be
Speaker:where you met Sue in live streaming initially I think on
Speaker:Periscope. Yes.
Speaker:Yeah. I'm Periscope.
Speaker:I was on there every single day getting on live,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:and I still am just sharing my story and saying guys,
Speaker:I'm in corporate and it's killing me.
Speaker:And you know,
Speaker:I have these skills and did you guys know you could
Speaker:monetize this way?
Speaker:And I was teaching and people were just like,
Speaker:Oh my gosh,
Speaker:you're so good at this.
Speaker:Do you have more info?
Speaker:And so I'm creating products and getting them out to people
Speaker:and applying what I know.
Speaker:And it got to the point where I was like,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:I think it's time for me to quit.
Speaker:And I figured I'd taken everyone on the journey that far,
Speaker:so why not keep them with me?
Speaker:And I actually quit my job live on Periscope in front
Speaker:of 10,000
Speaker:people. I kept it classy.
Speaker:Cause you know,
Speaker:And that was not the plan as I understand the story,
Speaker:that was not what you were going to do.
Speaker:Well. Yeah.
Speaker:And it was not the plan at all.
Speaker:I was planning on quitting and I told everyone I was
Speaker:going to do that.
Speaker:But ultimately the way that I did it was getting on
Speaker:the phone.
Speaker:I was like,
Speaker:guys, I'll come back,
Speaker:live afterwards to tell you how it went.
Speaker:But everyone like,
Speaker:no, keep us on the line.
Speaker:And so I was like,
Speaker:well, all right,
Speaker:that was brave.
Speaker:I will be completely honest.
Speaker:It was super scary because I knew that my boss would
Speaker:miss me and all that.
Speaker:But I was like,
Speaker:what if he's like good riddance,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:in front of everybody,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:like, I didn't know how he would take it or what
Speaker:if he got upset and especially because where my business was,
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:I had like interviews and things like that lined up the
Speaker:following day.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:I just really wasn't in a position where I was even
Speaker:going to be able to do a two week notice.
Speaker:And people typically do two week notices,
Speaker:not just to give their boss time to transition.
Speaker:And I did help my boss transition over the coming weeks.
Speaker:But it wasn't like your standard.
Speaker:Like I'm not going to still be able to take client
Speaker:meetings. Like I'm actually like done.
Speaker:It was really difficult to know that that was gonna be
Speaker:the case.
Speaker:And he was just like,
Speaker:my boss was awesome.
Speaker:And he lives in Illinois.
Speaker:I don't know if his wife listens to this podcast or
Speaker:not, or no,
Speaker:but who knows?
Speaker:I might know him.
Speaker:You never know him.
Speaker:I'll talk about that later.
Speaker:I can only tell you right now if anyone could see
Speaker:me, I'm like blushing.
Speaker:I like so like,
Speaker:Oh my gosh,
Speaker:it just occurred to me.
Speaker:Oh my gosh.
Speaker:But in any case he was awesome about it.
Speaker:He was just like,
Speaker:yeah. You know,
Speaker:if you're making money and you are happy and doing what
Speaker:you love,
Speaker:then why are you still here?
Speaker:Like I burst into tears because it was like a light
Speaker:switch went on,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:where it was just like,
Speaker:it's so simple,
Speaker:but it's so right.
Speaker:And I quit my job there.
Speaker:And then within 18 months I'd built a seven figure business,
Speaker:serving people and helping them put those business.
Speaker:Foundationals in place with a specific focus on income generation,
Speaker:not just on making a pretty brand or a creative brand
Speaker:or a brand that just serves,
Speaker:but also brand that earns you revenue that allows you to
Speaker:keep working on your purpose.
Speaker:And I get to do that every single day.
Speaker:And I couldn't be happier.
Speaker:That is such a great story.
Speaker:I'm so glad we started there because it is such a
Speaker:journey and so different and listening to what your dad was
Speaker:saying, I'm sure because he wanted the best for you was
Speaker:like, no,
Speaker:you need the office.
Speaker:You need the cars.
Speaker:Yeah. I can't do it.
Speaker:And so you're And against someone that you highly respect,
Speaker:and I could see other people who are feeling like they
Speaker:want to make that kind of a change to having people
Speaker:in their life very close,
Speaker:who are,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:saying, no,
Speaker:what are you thinking?
Speaker:Are you crazy?
Speaker:Do that?
Speaker:Do you remember that live broadcast?
Speaker:People were on there real time.
Speaker:I had 10,000
Speaker:people who are on that broadcast,
Speaker:t I think about a thousand or:Speaker:to get it in time to comment.
Speaker:And I mean,
Speaker:real time I am on the phone with my boss and
Speaker:I've got people out there who are like,
Speaker:what are you doing?
Speaker:This is dumb.
Speaker:Like, why are you broadcasting this?
Speaker:Why are you quitting your job?
Speaker:This is insane.
Speaker:And I had like friends and family texting me,
Speaker:like, so like,
Speaker:while that's happening,
Speaker:I'm getting notification.
Speaker:Like maybe you don't want to do this or are you
Speaker:serious right now?
Speaker:You don't like,
Speaker:and I've also got people on the other side who are
Speaker:like, where did it go?
Speaker:You got this girl,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:God's favor.
Speaker:Like, you know,
Speaker:and I'm over here.
Speaker:Like, well,
Speaker:I'm already in it.
Speaker:Got to push there.
Speaker:No, this is perfect because this is something we would never
Speaker:have gotten into yet.
Speaker:So you had people on both sides.
Speaker:What were you pulling from yourself?
Speaker:And this is for our listeners who are thinking that they
Speaker:want to start their business or might want to be quitting,
Speaker:their job,
Speaker:that type of thing.
Speaker:We'll go into that a little more detail later,
Speaker:but what was it that made,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:this is what I'm going to do.
Speaker:I'm going to go forward with this.
Speaker:I'm going to do it.
Speaker:Sure. I'd be well.
Speaker:What started was the pull of knowing the people that had
Speaker:served and that I'd already served.
Speaker:So harking back to my quote that I had earlier,
Speaker:if you've already started putting your products in front of people,
Speaker:and if you've already started providing solutions and the feedback you're
Speaker:getting is,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:things like,
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:these are literally sentences.
Speaker:You can look for to let you know that this is
Speaker:something that you may need to start making moves towards.
Speaker:Is your product changed my life or your product was exactly
Speaker:what I needed,
Speaker:or I love this so much and approach so much joy
Speaker:into my world.
Speaker:Or I can't imagine not having this product.
Speaker:When I started hearing feedback like that from people saying I
Speaker:have started earning revenue where I didn't earn it before I
Speaker:was able to pay my child's school fees.
Speaker:I paid my electricity bill and had something left over.
Speaker:I was able to pay,
Speaker:to send my entire family to Disneyland for vacation.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:when I heard that and realize that each one of those
Speaker:stories and the fact that I made choices to,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:make the time to apply my skills to this person,
Speaker:allowed someone of their dreams to come to fruition and brought
Speaker:them a solution.
Speaker:All I realized was,
Speaker:Hey, this whole planet,
Speaker:we've got six,
Speaker:7 billion people out here.
Speaker:How many people are waiting on me to make the call,
Speaker:to bring them the thing they need to reach their own
Speaker:greatness. And that gets me up every single day,
Speaker:because there are people that need to be served.
Speaker:And I just can't be so selfish as to knock it
Speaker:out there and provide that solution Well said.
Speaker:And really you were looking outside of yourself,
Speaker:not inside,
Speaker:not what it was going to do for you.
Speaker:It was what are you going to provide to the world?
Speaker:How much benefit and how much reward and satisfaction can you
Speaker:give other people based on skills that you have and knowledge
Speaker:that you have A hundred percent just also,
Speaker:because once you start working in your purpose,
Speaker:the making the money part,
Speaker:it feels hard in the beginning,
Speaker:but it's not always going to be hard.
Speaker:And once you're in the place where you're making enough money,
Speaker:you better be motivated by something bigger than yourself because otherwise
Speaker:you're not going to get up every day.
Speaker:Yeah. So give biz listeners for you.
Speaker:This might look like if you're doing a craft show and
Speaker:you're selling product and your product is very different,
Speaker:maybe have a product that's different.
Speaker:Hasn't been on the market before,
Speaker:but people are attracted to it.
Speaker:They're using it.
Speaker:They're coming back to other shows because you have something that
Speaker:they want.
Speaker:So it might look like that.
Speaker:It might look like if you're making scarves or you're doing
Speaker:cupcakes, friends are starting to ask you,
Speaker:will you do this?
Speaker:I have a friend birthday coming up.
Speaker:Will you make a scar for me?
Speaker:Or I have an event coming,
Speaker:would you do those great cupcakes?
Speaker:Things like that.
Speaker:People who are being attracted and are coming to you for
Speaker:your product,
Speaker:even if you haven't quite started your business.
Speaker:These as Nicole is talking about could be signs.
Speaker:Now it's not enough to sustain you yet to stop your
Speaker:job if that's the sole income,
Speaker:but it's something to pique your interest and say,
Speaker:Hey, maybe I really have something here.
Speaker:Would you say intuition as well?
Speaker:Certainly faith for you played a role.
Speaker:Oh yeah.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:for me,
Speaker:faith was,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:90 of it because let's be completely honest.
Speaker:You can build the systems,
Speaker:you can build the process,
Speaker:you can do all that.
Speaker:But I can't tell you how many people I've worked with.
Speaker:Who've done all that,
Speaker:but they just don't have the belief in themselves.
Speaker:And if you find that you've done all the work and
Speaker:you've got all those things going,
Speaker:that's the part where you just it's about time to leak.
Speaker:You know?
Speaker:And I think that one of the biggest misconceptions in business
Speaker:building is that the last step is finishing your funnel or
Speaker:completing products or getting clients.
Speaker:And it's not.
Speaker:The last step is launching.
Speaker:If that's how you actually make yourself better,
Speaker:that's how you actually make sure your product is what people
Speaker:really need.
Speaker:So if you don't put yourself out there,
Speaker:you'll never actually find out if you're meant to do it.
Speaker:Exactly. And another year will go by and another year will
Speaker:go by and you'll keep talking about wanting to do it.
Speaker:And this is a big issue with a lot of people
Speaker:that, you know,
Speaker:they're going to do it.
Speaker:They're going to write that book.
Speaker:They're going to open their shop.
Speaker:They're going to start selling their product and they just don't
Speaker:get started.
Speaker:That's right.
Speaker:The gun is looking at you.
Speaker:The gun is well.
Speaker:Gotcha. Absolutely.
Speaker:So I encourage any of you out there who are on
Speaker:the fence right now.
Speaker:Just start thinking of a mindset of yes,
Speaker:I am going to get started.
Speaker:So let's go back just for a second,
Speaker:because again,
Speaker:I think this will help everybody.
Speaker:Let's put you back in corporate just for a minute.
Speaker:Okay. Just for a minute,
Speaker:I'll go back just for a minute,
Speaker:but not too long.
Speaker:One more,
Speaker:a couple of minutes,
Speaker:First steps that you started doing,
Speaker:just something tangible.
Speaker:Well, I'll be completely honest.
Speaker:And I think that this is something that a lot of
Speaker:people might benefit from.
Speaker:I didn't start off doing business consulting.
Speaker:I think that,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:some of us are very resistant to the fact that our
Speaker:business may need to change,
Speaker:but business is a dynamic living,
Speaker:breathing, moving,
Speaker:changing organism.
Speaker:So whatever it is that you're doing now,
Speaker:if you're feeling the call like this business,
Speaker:isn't quite right.
Speaker:Or I may be making jams.
Speaker:What I really want to do is like hand painted hand
Speaker:lettered signs.
Speaker:It may be time for you to change your business.
Speaker:So I actually started out as a beauty blogger,
Speaker:doing what I do now for corporate and on the side,
Speaker:I was like,
Speaker:but I really love being on the internet.
Speaker:And I love how I have so much more exposure to
Speaker:everyday people.
Speaker:So I was living out a portion of my purpose by
Speaker:providing a solution,
Speaker:but the solution I was providing,
Speaker:wasn't where I could help people the most,
Speaker:but it allowed me to sort of sample and see that
Speaker:world. And so that's where I started.
Speaker:And I had a lot of traction and I had a
Speaker:monetized brand that was making me money on the side while
Speaker:working my nine to five.
Speaker:And I actually translated a lot of the funds from that
Speaker:startup brand,
Speaker:into the foundation to build my next brand and business,
Speaker:which is what I have now.
Speaker:And it's my consulting firm,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:monetize myself.
Speaker:And I absolutely love it.
Speaker:And it's where I'm supposed to be.
Speaker:But I also am not so shortsighted to think that my
Speaker:business isn't going to grow and change in as little as
Speaker:three to five years.
Speaker:And it's in that refinement that we help the most people.
Speaker:Beautiful. Perfect.
Speaker:So you already had side income and money that you were
Speaker:putting through,
Speaker:et cetera.
Speaker:And your business change just like mine has.
Speaker:I've told this story before.
Speaker:So a lot of people who are listening already know that
Speaker:whole story,
Speaker:this is another elephant in the room,
Speaker:if you will,
Speaker:because people might know,
Speaker:yes. I feel it.
Speaker:There are people who are interested,
Speaker:but they don't have money to start.
Speaker:You are the income strategist.
Speaker:What advice do you have for somebody there?
Speaker:Absolutely. So I think that one of the biggest misconceptions when
Speaker:it comes to the startup cost of business is that phrase
Speaker:that goes around,
Speaker:you have to spend money to make money.
Speaker:And it's true.
Speaker:You do.
Speaker:But what you actually have to do is be mindful of
Speaker:your overhead and your expense.
Speaker:So yes,
Speaker:you have to invest a hundred percent.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:that's part of it,
Speaker:but you plan for that investment.
Speaker:You put things aside,
Speaker:you start off where you are.
Speaker:So for me,
Speaker:that meant that I had to put in extra time and
Speaker:hours to build my own first website,
Speaker:because I couldn't afford to pay someone $6,000
Speaker:for that website.
Speaker:But what I did to let that happen was I removed
Speaker:the fear if you will,
Speaker:and perfectionism around it,
Speaker:being the perfect website,
Speaker:because I am not a web developer,
Speaker:but I needed it to be functional,
Speaker:not fancy.
Speaker:And I think that's one of the hardest things whenever you're
Speaker:creative and you're really invested in what you're doing,
Speaker:it's just like,
Speaker:man, like I can't have my branding colors,
Speaker:not be what they're supposed to be,
Speaker:but understand that it's more important to get that purpose out
Speaker:there and you know,
Speaker:and investing in where your money should really be spent is
Speaker:with experts.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:a hundred percent experts because what you can't afford is to
Speaker:make mistakes.
Speaker:So you want to spend the money to learn from people
Speaker:who are going to help you make the right steps.
Speaker:But when it comes to execution and creating,
Speaker:you can do that yourself.
Speaker:That is the elbow grease that you have to apply.
Speaker:And if you are a crafter and you're creative and you're
Speaker:a maker,
Speaker:you have an endless supply of that.
Speaker:You are rare and able to build on your own.
Speaker:What you need to do is just get the,
Speaker:outline, the structure,
Speaker:the sewing pattern to make it happen.
Speaker:Perfect. So just to summarize what Nicole is talking about here,
Speaker:make an investment into experts who have been there,
Speaker:or know the steps that you should be taking.
Speaker:And boy was I guilty of this because I was going
Speaker:to be one of those.
Speaker:I'm going to do it all myself type people until I
Speaker:learned real.
Speaker:Why in the world would you do that?
Speaker:When there are people out there and when we're talking about
Speaker:experts, it doesn't always mean a lot of money either.
Speaker:We're not necessarily talking thousands.
Speaker:There's lots of good information available online.
Speaker:When you find somebody that you feel comfortable with you trust,
Speaker:like they really know what they're talking about because they've done
Speaker:it just like Nicole is talking about,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:she's done what she now teaches,
Speaker:right? And she's done it now for a lot of people.
Speaker:So you want to be really cautious of that,
Speaker:that you're following and listening to someone who really does know.
Speaker:And only you can say,
Speaker:if that's the right person,
Speaker:there are a lot of people out there,
Speaker:99.9% of people mean,
Speaker:well, it's not that they're trying to pull the wool over
Speaker:your eyes or something,
Speaker:but you want to make sure that you feel confident that
Speaker:this is someone that you want to trust.
Speaker:So that's the first thing.
Speaker:And the second thing is I really like what you talk
Speaker:about, just get it out there,
Speaker:whether it's a website or you're going to your first trade
Speaker:show or craft fair,
Speaker:maybe your display isn't as beautiful as you would love it
Speaker:to be,
Speaker:but get it out there.
Speaker:This is customer and market research that you're after too.
Speaker:Absolutely. You can always upgrade later.
Speaker:Absolutely. A hundred percent.
Speaker:No, I think that that's great feedback.
Speaker:One of tools that I love to put into people's hands
Speaker:is on my website,
Speaker:the system swap.com.
Speaker:It's simply just a swapping out of systems.
Speaker:So if you're using like a fancy pants,
Speaker:email server that would to collect emails that was recommended to
Speaker:you, I just have a list of cheaper alternatives.
Speaker:And it was the type of thing that I wish I
Speaker:had in the very beginning because I was spending thousands every
Speaker:month on the systems that I thought I needed.
Speaker:When in reality,
Speaker:those thousands,
Speaker:every month could have been spent on an expert to show
Speaker:me how to use these systems.
Speaker:And if you go to the system,
Speaker:swamp.com, you can actually get a list where you're able to
Speaker:switch out your systems.
Speaker:And I mean,
Speaker:people are saving thousands every month by just switching to either
Speaker:a free platform,
Speaker:like a free website creator or a free landing page creator,
Speaker:or if email is creator something simple versus paying a ton
Speaker:of money for things.
Speaker:But yeah,
Speaker:all those little pennies count and you really want to get
Speaker:the help from the right people.
Speaker:I'm going to connect that link up in the show notes
Speaker:for sure.
Speaker:Awesome. Thank you.
Speaker:And the whole thing is no,
Speaker:the strategy,
Speaker:you don't have to buy the systems yet.
Speaker:You can buy something that's more free as you're getting started.
Speaker:All right.
Speaker:Now you've helped.
Speaker:So-so so many people in the short time that you've been
Speaker:in business,
Speaker:what 18 months or so.
Speaker:Right. I'm hitting on two years.
Speaker:It took me about 18 months to hit seven figures.
Speaker:But now moments at the two year Mark,
Speaker:which is crazy.
Speaker:Well, that's still in the scheme of things a really short
Speaker:time, right?
Speaker:Short time.
Speaker:But you know what?
Speaker:I was a blogger for five years.
Speaker:I worked in corporate for 10.
Speaker:So I think that that's something that I always want to
Speaker:put in a perspective.
Speaker:Once I was closely aligned with my purpose,
Speaker:the funds came in quickly,
Speaker:but it took me almost 10 years to get aligned with
Speaker:my purpose,
Speaker:Because you knew it was there and you didn't take action
Speaker:or you didn't recognize it yet.
Speaker:Well, I was taking action.
Speaker:It just took a while for me to get properly aligned.
Speaker:Meaning like I was always finding,
Speaker:I was always beating around the Bush,
Speaker:but when I finally leaped and said,
Speaker:I'm going all in and I will not quit until I
Speaker:hit this thing because I cannot continue to live a life
Speaker:of just sort of sampling this world,
Speaker:crafting it's like,
Speaker:it can't just be Saturdays at the farmer's market anymore.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:like the only way this is going to happen is if
Speaker:I put in the more time,
Speaker:that's how I'm going to make more revenue.
Speaker:That's how I'm going to get more exposure.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:it just,
Speaker:I was at that pusher shop place.
Speaker:And once I finally said,
Speaker:I'm going to do it because I've given 10 years to
Speaker:corporate, can I give myself six months?
Speaker:Can I give myself a year?
Speaker:I deserve that.
Speaker:Right. Just to see it,
Speaker:if it fails,
Speaker:I can always go back.
Speaker:You know?
Speaker:So let me go ahead and try.
Speaker:And once I did,
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:it just took off.
Speaker:So I always try to tell people,
Speaker:yeah, it's about doing,
Speaker:And I'll make a comment here too,
Speaker:that I think is important is yes,
Speaker:you can always go back.
Speaker:There's not much in life here that you do decisions that
Speaker:you can't in one way or another reversed.
Speaker:And if you need to,
Speaker:that's just a learning that you've had knowledge that you had
Speaker:doesn't mean that you're a bad person.
Speaker:Like you decided that you were going to stop and you
Speaker:quit your job.
Speaker:You went in full-time,
Speaker:let's say,
Speaker:and it wasn't working.
Speaker:It, you weren't making money first off.
Speaker:You're not a bad person.
Speaker:Second of all,
Speaker:it might just be your product.
Speaker:Isn't connect with the audience.
Speaker:It has nothing to do with you as a person.
Speaker:Maybe it's just not that product.
Speaker:Maybe it has to be something else.
Speaker:You were just listening to Nicole talking about how has switched
Speaker:from being more of a blogger into her consulting that she's
Speaker:doing now.
Speaker:Right? So the point is you got to take action or
Speaker:you're never going to know,
Speaker:Nailed it.
Speaker:So it's more discovery than anything else.
Speaker:It really is.
Speaker:And you're better for it.
Speaker:Like, Oh my gosh,
Speaker:think of how much you learn along the way.
Speaker:Right? So it's like,
Speaker:I just think about it.
Speaker:And it's like,
Speaker:man, people could say,
Speaker:Oh, your blogger business failed.
Speaker:But it didn't.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:I ended it because it didn't make sense anymore.
Speaker:You know?
Speaker:And all of those five years of knowledge are the reason
Speaker:why I could be a seven figure business owner in 18
Speaker:months. And it's because I,
Speaker:if I hadn't done those five years,
Speaker:it never would've happened.
Speaker:Absolutely. And also one more point before we move on here,
Speaker:anyone who is working a nine to five job now,
Speaker:what skills or knowledge do you need to have that you
Speaker:think as you're moving forward,
Speaker:that you could be getting exposure to right where you are
Speaker:right now?
Speaker:Oh my gosh,
Speaker:everyone who is listening,
Speaker:you always should listen to this podcast because no one ever
Speaker:asks you that question.
Speaker:And it's such a good question.
Speaker:Like Sue is so on this.
Speaker:So yeah,
Speaker:if you're still in your nine to five,
Speaker:the things that I paid close attention to close to quit
Speaker:day was interpersonal relationships.
Speaker:Meaning how did my company acquire new business?
Speaker:Like what were they doing,
Speaker:right. And what were they doing wrong in their consumer interaction?
Speaker:And this is something you can pay attention to all the
Speaker:way from,
Speaker:if you are just a customer service cashier,
Speaker:all the way up to senior management,
Speaker:if you are looking at,
Speaker:are they customer and client driven,
Speaker:do they follow up with their clients?
Speaker:Are they consistently engaged?
Speaker:Are they put the client needs before themselves?
Speaker:Are they refining their product based on feedback?
Speaker:These are all things that I paid close attention to because
Speaker:I was working for a fortune 500 company.
Speaker:And I see myself now as a fortune 500 company,
Speaker:I just haven't put in the number of years that my
Speaker:company did.
Speaker:So because of that,
Speaker:I was like,
Speaker:what can I extract?
Speaker:I use my company almost like an another expert or another
Speaker:mentor I was learning and taking notes and saying,
Speaker:this is what I would do.
Speaker:Right. And this is what I would do differently in order
Speaker:to get myself there faster,
Speaker:better and further.
Speaker:So there are things to learn right now.
Speaker:Absolutely. And maybe there's an initiative that they're doing that you
Speaker:want to raise your hand for and be part of because
Speaker:you'll learn something and it's not,
Speaker:even though,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:you're going to be doing something later or you're trying to
Speaker:capture some more information and some more experience,
Speaker:it doesn't mean that you are not still serving your company
Speaker:because you're there,
Speaker:you have the skills you're doing it for them,
Speaker:but it's also helping you on the other side.
Speaker:So don't,
Speaker:don't think,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:I hate to think of people who are not excited to
Speaker:jump out of bed.
Speaker:Like you're talking about Nicole and you know,
Speaker:or because they have to go into their corporate job or
Speaker:whatever, they're doing nine to five,
Speaker:but you can reap benefits of that.
Speaker:And look,
Speaker:you're not going to get your day back.
Speaker:So you might as well make it the best that it
Speaker:possibly can be as you're moving forward.
Speaker:Something to think about for everybody there,
Speaker:Nicole, with your current client base,
Speaker:that you have all your rich friends,
Speaker:right. Is there some challenge that you're seeing over and over
Speaker:that we haven't talked about yet?
Speaker:Some hurdle that people just are having trouble jumping over to
Speaker:get started on their own?
Speaker:Yeah, absolutely.
Speaker:So I,
Speaker:that one of the biggest hurdles again,
Speaker:is the failure to launch and the launch fear of really
Speaker:putting yourself out there.
Speaker:There's just so much to overcome in believing whether or not
Speaker:we can do it.
Speaker:And I think that part of that really has to come
Speaker:from aligning ourselves with one,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:we're serving people,
Speaker:so it's not about us.
Speaker:And then to also remembering that your business is just one
Speaker:part of you and it,
Speaker:isn't the thing that defines you.
Speaker:It isn't all that you are.
Speaker:And if you are finding that you are measuring yourself by
Speaker:your success in your business.
Speaker:And it is important to take some time to reflect on
Speaker:why you're doing it.
Speaker:And what's most important.
Speaker:And oftentimes I tell people,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:yes, entrepreneurship is not for everybody,
Speaker:but there's nothing wrong with taking time out to determine if
Speaker:it aligns.
Speaker:And if you find that you're in a situation where you're
Speaker:like, Oh my gosh,
Speaker:this is not working.
Speaker:And I'm stressed out,
Speaker:take that time and reflect and make it work because you
Speaker:will come back refresh and burnout is a real thing.
Speaker:So when you're first getting into it,
Speaker:if you find that you're like hitting the wall over and
Speaker:over and over again,
Speaker:the answer isn't pushed through necessarily.
Speaker:Sometimes the answer is let go and let go,
Speaker:slow down,
Speaker:stop and come back to it.
Speaker:I wish someone had told me that because I lost whole
Speaker:months to trying to push through problems.
Speaker:When what I needed to do was take a week off
Speaker:and come back refreshed.
Speaker:Very good point.
Speaker:When I first started,
Speaker:I felt like there's going to be a point in my
Speaker:career development where emotionally and psychologically,
Speaker:I'm going to know that I've made it,
Speaker:I've gotten there,
Speaker:but I know I still suffer from imposter syndrome.
Speaker:I still get anxious.
Speaker:Sometimes when I click my Facebook live button to go live
Speaker:like, are people going to be there?
Speaker:Are they going to appreciate or find value in things that
Speaker:I say?
Speaker:I think it's always a process.
Speaker:And as an entrepreneur,
Speaker:you were saying,
Speaker:Nicole, that you may be an entrepreneur.
Speaker:You may not,
Speaker:but you might as well try it.
Speaker:But even if you are an entrepreneur,
Speaker:some of that unknown and uncomfortableness and question,
Speaker:and if you can be better in all of that,
Speaker:never goes away.
Speaker:You have to start being comfortable with the fact that that's
Speaker:just always going to exist.
Speaker:Do you agree?
Speaker:Oh my gosh,
Speaker:Sue, I'm still learning that.
Speaker:It's the craziest thing.
Speaker:Because in the beginning you look at life almost in the
Speaker:way that it's been measured before,
Speaker:because entrepreneurship is not like anything you've ever done before in
Speaker:the work world.
Speaker:It's always a project and the project has a deadline,
Speaker:or it's always a common goal that kind of has an
Speaker:end. Or it's always a shift that's over at five.
Speaker:If you're in school,
Speaker:it's always,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:four years.
Speaker:And then you get your degree.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:there's always this finish line that we're all racing to.
Speaker:And that we're always able to measure in our brain and
Speaker:say, if I can only get here,
Speaker:I'll be done.
Speaker:Or I'll if I can label myself as success,
Speaker:entrepreneurship is literally never like that.
Speaker:Especially if you are a driven overachiever,
Speaker:perfectionist, which most of us are.
Speaker:We're also a little bit crazy because this again is like,
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:you are permanently challenging yourself.
Speaker:Like, why would you put yourself through that?
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:you're so right.
Speaker:You have to be a little bit longer than the brain,
Speaker:you know?
Speaker:So in entrepreneurship it's different because the way it works,
Speaker:you get in there and yes,
Speaker:you might have like a launch deadline or a production deadline,
Speaker:or, you know,
Speaker:a wholesaling agreement.
Speaker:But once you do that,
Speaker:if you are truly challenged and driven,
Speaker:what'll happen is you're excited.
Speaker:You'll celebrate.
Speaker:Hopefully you'll celebrate.
Speaker:You have to start reminding yourself to do that.
Speaker:But then you'll move that finish line.
Speaker:You'll redefine what excellence means to you.
Speaker:You'll strive to be more and recognizing something that's going to
Speaker:constantly happen will allow you to be a lot easier on
Speaker:yourself when you get there.
Speaker:And you might say to yourself,
Speaker:well, that was kind of easy,
Speaker:which it wasn't easy.
Speaker:It was hard,
Speaker:but like,
Speaker:I'm here.
Speaker:I got here.
Speaker:That was faster than I thought.
Speaker:Yes, I got to do other things.
Speaker:So, and that's what happened.
Speaker:I thought hitting seven figures would be a lot harder because
Speaker:I did five years of beauty blogging and I didn't hit
Speaker:seven figures in that business,
Speaker:but I was also doing it part time,
Speaker:obviously. So once all the other things came up and I
Speaker:hit that,
Speaker:I was like,
Speaker:okay, well,
Speaker:now that I've done that now what,
Speaker:you know what I mean?
Speaker:Like what's next and you constantly worry,
Speaker:okay, well now,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:will I have the people show up?
Speaker:And what's that going to look like?
Speaker:And you rise to the occasion and believe it or not,
Speaker:all the things that got you to that point that hit
Speaker:that finish line are the very same tools that will get
Speaker:you to that next frontier.
Speaker:And you just have to have faith that that's possible.
Speaker:Great. And I think it's probably a trait of a successful
Speaker:entrepreneur is you get there and it's more the striving and
Speaker:the journey to get to the next,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:make a new goal and get to the next finish line
Speaker:then just to be at one finish line and be done.
Speaker:I don't think that's in our natures at all At all,
Speaker:which is good.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:that's how greatness happens.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:if Steve jobs released the first phone and was like,
Speaker:well, I did it,
Speaker:we'd all still be talking on this like huge brick of
Speaker:an iPhone.
Speaker:You know what I mean?
Speaker:That barely did anything and didn't have cool apps.
Speaker:So, yeah,
Speaker:Exactly. Right.
Speaker:Okay. So Nicole,
Speaker:you've grown.
Speaker:I know that you're the back of the shop for you.
Speaker:You have a lot of people now helping because you need
Speaker:to, what types of tools or any suggestions for someone who,
Speaker:again, is in this development stage that you found were really
Speaker:helpful for you,
Speaker:that you even use today or that you were using earlier?
Speaker:Sure. Well,
Speaker:especially for creative types,
Speaker:if you find that you absolutely hate to do it,
Speaker:like make a list,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:if you hate to do it,
Speaker:if you dread it,
Speaker:if doing this thing is keeping you from getting other things
Speaker:done because of how much you don't like to do it,
Speaker:it probably needs to be outsourced and it's not worth creating
Speaker:a bottleneck in your business at you because there,
Speaker:especially because you have such important other things that you need
Speaker:to offer your business,
Speaker:like your innovation and your creativity and your consumer engagement and
Speaker:your love and passion.
Speaker:So for me,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:what that looks like is I hate tech.
Speaker:Like I work in the web world,
Speaker:I get my clients from the world wide world.
Speaker:So it's important that my tech works,
Speaker:but I don't like it.
Speaker:It takes me hours to figure something out and I just
Speaker:get so frustrated.
Speaker:And it was just very clear to me early on that
Speaker:that was one of the first things I needed to delegate.
Speaker:And that actually drove me to be better at what I
Speaker:did, because I was like,
Speaker:I got to pay somebody to do this stuff or else
Speaker:I'll never get anything done.
Speaker:There's that.
Speaker:And I also,
Speaker:my volume of emails.
Speaker:So I get a lot of fan and consumer and client
Speaker:engagement. I get anywhere from 150 to 350 emails a day.
Speaker:And so I hired an admin pretty quickly to just sort
Speaker:my inbox so that I'm seeing what counts and that,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:login and things of that sort or handled separately,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:and just having those two roles covered,
Speaker:completely changed my life.
Speaker:And I know that it's easier to speak about that luxury
Speaker:of having help with the revenue to have it,
Speaker:but help can also be on a project basis.
Speaker:So I love talking about resources like Fiverr and upwork.com,
Speaker:where you're able to hire someone on a project basis for
Speaker:as little as $5 or $40 to just solve a problem.
Speaker:And then you can facilitate it from there.
Speaker:And that's where I started before I was able to hire
Speaker:two with lamb.
Speaker:People will go back and say exactly what you said.
Speaker:I wish I would have hired out sooner.
Speaker:Oh yeah,
Speaker:definitely. That's usually money for her.
Speaker:I think.
Speaker:Well, I mean,
Speaker:I don't want to project,
Speaker:but I know for me it was money peer.
Speaker:It was kind of like,
Speaker:Oh my gosh,
Speaker:like I'm supposed to,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:pay this money to hire someone.
Speaker:Like, what if I can't afford it?
Speaker:And the pressure of like,
Speaker:now I'm paying your salary.
Speaker:I'm responsible for you.
Speaker:That money fears kind of scary.
Speaker:And, and I still have that like with as much money
Speaker:as I make now,
Speaker:my business,
Speaker:I just hired my first full-time employee,
Speaker:our second full-time employee,
Speaker:two of them this past two months where they are 40
Speaker:hours a week W2,
Speaker:full tax,
Speaker:like all that fancy pants stuff.
Speaker:And I paid them a proper good American salary.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:it's like,
Speaker:I look at that and I'm like,
Speaker:I am responsible for their lives.
Speaker:They are counting on me every single day from nine to
Speaker:five to pay their rent.
Speaker:And it's definitely scary.
Speaker:But what I learned very quickly in the beginning when I
Speaker:hired that first person to do a project for me for
Speaker:$45, was that the return on investment that you make from
Speaker:putting out that money in either experts in mentorship or getting
Speaker:help to do your business is tenfold.
Speaker:So it hurts to like open your fist and let go
Speaker:of that $50.
Speaker:But then your hands are wide open to collect the multiplied
Speaker:effort of revenue that comes back because you invested in getting
Speaker:help Hundred percent agree.
Speaker:And your point about doing projects,
Speaker:you, instead of having to hire,
Speaker:if you're not there,
Speaker:the opportunity to just get a few projects done is gold.
Speaker:Yeah. Like you're waiting to start a podcast,
Speaker:pay intern in college to do the whole setup for you
Speaker:so that all you have to do is just start recording.
Speaker:Come on.
Speaker:No, we were talking about this with podcasts a little bit
Speaker:earlier. I just meaning like six weeks ago now hired a
Speaker:VA to help edit my shows.
Speaker:No, what Nicole,
Speaker:I have saved five or six hours per episode.
Speaker:So I look,
Speaker:if you could see me,
Speaker:right, I'd be like,
Speaker:Hey girl,
Speaker:Hey, not that to yourself.
Speaker:I cannot believe that over a hundred episodes were edited by
Speaker:you. That is crazy,
Speaker:man. It was nuts.
Speaker:And you know,
Speaker:it was just,
Speaker:I wasn't putting in the system.
Speaker:It's just,
Speaker:I didn't do it.
Speaker:I didn't,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:we all,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:we can all talk things and sometimes you have to turn
Speaker:the mirror back on yourself and say,
Speaker:are you listening?
Speaker:No, I think guilty,
Speaker:super guilty.
Speaker:I totally get it.
Speaker:But Hey Sue,
Speaker:what's it like to have your life back?
Speaker:How did that feel Seriously?
Speaker:And you know what I'm doing with it?
Speaker:Amazing. I'm actually talking more with customer.
Speaker:Like how about that?
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:and getting a pedicure and some coffee And guess what?
Speaker:Sometimes I stay home on Sundays.
Speaker:Yes. You deserve it.
Speaker:Like I don't come into the office.
Speaker:That is awesome.
Speaker:So, but yeah.
Speaker:Excellent point and love,
Speaker:love, love that you talked projects.
Speaker:Okay. So you have so much information.
Speaker:No. So much.
Speaker:Where else do you go to continue learning?
Speaker:God, it's so funny.
Speaker:It's crazy because I am really blessed in the space.
Speaker:I'm in to get to work with a lot of experts.
Speaker:I've been blessed to have a lot of keynote speaking engagements
Speaker:In your yellow dress,
Speaker:Just cause it makes me feel good.
Speaker:So it's like I put on yellow in the morning and
Speaker:I'm like,
Speaker:how could I not look in the mirror and not feel
Speaker:good? So when I saw you at Kim,
Speaker:Garson that yellow dress.
Speaker:I'm like,
Speaker:okay, I already loved her,
Speaker:but now I love her even more.
Speaker:But no,
Speaker:it's true.
Speaker:And so I'm really good friends with like Kim GARS and
Speaker:Shaleen Johnson is actually like a personal like family friend.
Speaker:Like my kids call her Angela and we just love,
Speaker:love, love her.
Speaker:And I'm friends with like Pat Flynn and Amy Porterfield and
Speaker:Dave Ramsey.
Speaker:And so I have this amazing network of people in this
Speaker:industry where,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:God bless them,
Speaker:they'll answer my questions.
Speaker:You know?
Speaker:So it's like,
Speaker:what's great is I have really good friends.
Speaker:But again,
Speaker:like where I am in my businesses,
Speaker:I've learned that a lot of the logistics,
Speaker:the technical things like how to set up a funnel or
Speaker:how to set up a webinar,
Speaker:an email list,
Speaker:like all those things are really readily accessible online.
Speaker:If you want that training,
Speaker:it's getting the support of people who are several steps ahead
Speaker:of you,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:in whatever respective field to be able to say,
Speaker:Hey, this is what the vision looks like.
Speaker:This is what the future looks like.
Speaker:And this is what's possible.
Speaker:And you know,
Speaker:Hey, this entrepreneurship,
Speaker:emotional thing,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:like Pat,
Speaker:Flynn's been doing this for a decade now,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:and talking to him,
Speaker:he's like,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:I've been at this for a while.
Speaker:Like some days of the grind.
Speaker:And sometimes just seeing the fact that he's like starting over
Speaker:in other areas and trying new things.
Speaker:That's where I go for my inspiration is I just go
Speaker:to the experts and I stay tapped in to their journey
Speaker:so that I can continue to succeed on my own.
Speaker:Beautiful. I think there's something else there with this too,
Speaker:is you want to make sure that what the life looks
Speaker:like, that you think you're going for is something you really
Speaker:want. Oh yes.
Speaker:Oh my gosh.
Speaker:Sue her reach.
Speaker:Okay. Because I said that,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:you were just saying earlier in this chat about how it's
Speaker:so important to make sure that the person you're following has
Speaker:done the things right.
Speaker:Well, it's also important to make sure that they're living the
Speaker:life you want.
Speaker:One of the things that I run into all the time
Speaker:with my coaching clients is,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:I'll get students who have built businesses kind of following the
Speaker:formula, if you will.
Speaker:And they're like,
Speaker:yeah, I make six figures easily,
Speaker:but I hate my life.
Speaker:You know,
Speaker:my coach never told me that I would take five consulting
Speaker:calls a day.
Speaker:And I feel like I spent all my time on the
Speaker:phone and I hate everything right now,
Speaker:you know?
Speaker:And it's just like,
Speaker:wow, like,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:you, weren't taught about diversified income streams.
Speaker:You weren't taught about building the passive streams that allow you
Speaker:to live in their purpose.
Speaker:So let's kind of get you lined up.
Speaker:But for me,
Speaker:all of my mentors that I follow everybody,
Speaker:all my good friends that are in my network,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:all the people I mentioned here,
Speaker:they put family first.
Speaker:And for me,
Speaker:that's a huge priority.
Speaker:I adopted three girls from foster care and my three girls
Speaker:are, you know,
Speaker:17, 15 and five.
Speaker:And they're the light of my world.
Speaker:And I'm a new mom,
Speaker:but you better believe that.
Speaker:I am like,
Speaker:so all in that,
Speaker:they're the number one place I want to be.
Speaker:And they were a part of why I quit my job
Speaker:because I was just like,
Speaker:are you kidding me?
Speaker:Like, I can't be in a meeting.
Speaker:I've got a five-year-old this is crazy.
Speaker:You know?
Speaker:So with that,
Speaker:you got to make sure the advice that I get,
Speaker:I know is always considering family because the people that I
Speaker:listened to and the people I talked to,
Speaker:my friends,
Speaker:they a priority for them.
Speaker:So I can trust that.
Speaker:They're not going to tell me,
Speaker:Oh yeah,
Speaker:girl, if you're not making income,
Speaker:or if you feel like you want to boost your revenue,
Speaker:all you have to do is put in an 80 hour
Speaker:week and don't put dinner on the table and miss the
Speaker:graduation party.
Speaker:They'll never say that,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:that's not how they live.
Speaker:So I think that,
Speaker:yeah, you nailed it.
Speaker:Like make sure that the people that you're listening to a
Speaker:hundred percent have a life that you want to live too.
Speaker:Because I look at some people like,
Speaker:and I'll just I'll throw out names.
Speaker:Cause I keep it all the way real.
Speaker:But like Gary Vaynerchuk,
Speaker:love, love,
Speaker:love him.
Speaker:Guy is brilliant,
Speaker:right? Smart.
Speaker:And you know,
Speaker:a straight shooter and knows his stuff.
Speaker:My goodness,
Speaker:his hustle is not the way I want my hustle to
Speaker:look like.
Speaker:I just,
Speaker:I want to hustle and I want to have that success
Speaker:and that impact in that drive.
Speaker:But I can tell you right out the gate that I
Speaker:am not inspired to have a life where it's like,
Speaker:I'm on the go,
Speaker:go, go all the time.
Speaker:So it's like,
Speaker:I'll listen to his advice and extract what I need,
Speaker:but there are other elements of it that just don't align
Speaker:with me.
Speaker:And so I always have to fact check that against my
Speaker:own internal radar,
Speaker:by faith radar and then my family and,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:mentor support radar.
Speaker:And I think everybody should be doing that in their business.
Speaker:Totally agree with you.
Speaker:And those of you who don't know what we're talking about
Speaker:Gary, Monday through Friday,
Speaker:I don't know,
Speaker:5:00 AM to 2:00 AM works.
Speaker:Like he might sleep three hours.
Speaker:Now he does take weekends for his family,
Speaker:but like I would be in bed sleeping The whole weekend
Speaker:and those hours,
Speaker:you and me both.
Speaker:And also can I just say,
Speaker:like, I don't just love my family.
Speaker:I like my family.
Speaker:They're my favorite people.
Speaker:So it's like I,
Speaker:a weekend would not be enough.
Speaker:I miss them during the day.
Speaker:I could not imagine not seeing my family at the end
Speaker:of every day and at the top of every morning and
Speaker:sometimes at lunch.
Speaker:So totally Brings up another point.
Speaker:I just want to slip in here as we're winding down
Speaker:is that your life will also change the stages of your
Speaker:kids also change.
Speaker:So if you have younger kids,
Speaker:maybe you don't want to be starting a business full-time if
Speaker:it fits in on the side,
Speaker:because you're valuing the time with the kids or you keep
Speaker:it downsized a little bit.
Speaker:There's plenty of time later when they're out of the house
Speaker:when they're away at college.
Speaker:So businesses specially when you're in business for yourself can flux
Speaker:based on the life stage that you're in too.
Speaker:Oh my gosh.
Speaker:So yes,
Speaker:that's gold.
Speaker:Everybody write that down.
Speaker:Circle it exclamation marks who is telling you today accurate like
Speaker:a hundred percent.
Speaker:Well, thank you.
Speaker:So Nicole,
Speaker:at this point,
Speaker:I'd like invite you to dare To dream.
Speaker:I'd like to present you with a virtual gift.
Speaker:It's a magical box containing unlimited possibilities for your future.
Speaker:So this is your dream or your goal of almost unreachable
Speaker:Heights that you would wish to obtain.
Speaker:Please accept this gift and open it in our presence.
Speaker:What is inside your virtual box?
Speaker:Inside of my virtual box is the platform to reach an
Speaker:unlimited amount of people.
Speaker:And I mean,
Speaker:not just people who have access to the internet,
Speaker:not just people who have access TV,
Speaker:but I mean the little child in,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:South Africa who is running around on the street with no
Speaker:vision of what his future could look like and no understanding
Speaker:that going through the sands between his success is time and
Speaker:resources and a little bit of prayer and faith.
Speaker:And in that box is that platform to wide my territory,
Speaker:because I truly believe that as a change catalyst that I
Speaker:can show up and show out when given the opportunity and
Speaker:that I have a gift to bless and inspire the world
Speaker:to believe and in the tools and resources to create change
Speaker:for themselves.
Speaker:So that's what it is in the box.
Speaker:Whatever that magic tool is that gets you in front of
Speaker:the right people to share this inspiring message that's what's in
Speaker:there. And it would be the greatest gift of all time.
Speaker:And I'm going to keep working until I can open that
Speaker:box. There you go.
Speaker:I got to say with technology the way it is and
Speaker:what we're able to do in places we're able to access
Speaker:now and your passion and beauty and excitement and everything,
Speaker:yellow personality,
Speaker:people are attracted to you already.
Speaker:So you have that,
Speaker:you have the channel technology's only going to get better,
Speaker:right? And we're seeing technology even in third world countries.
Speaker:I mean,
Speaker:everyone is getting connected.
Speaker:Yeah. And I do believe that it's something that I definitely
Speaker:hold close to me that there's no mistake that I was
Speaker:born during this time.
Speaker:And I am grateful for the ability to take advantage of
Speaker:all the resources that have been presented.
Speaker:So all in good time that gives me love it.
Speaker:Where could people find out more about you,
Speaker:Nicole? Yes.
Speaker:Well, everything all about me and my life and my stuff
Speaker:is at Nicole Walters dot T V.
Speaker:So you can find out everything at Nicole Walters at TB.
Speaker:And if you want to know more about how to swap
Speaker:out your systems,
Speaker:when you're just getting started and keeping your costs low,
Speaker:head over to the system,
Speaker:swap.com and you can actually grab a quick cheat sheet list
Speaker:for absolutely nothing where it'll just help you save a couple
Speaker:extra bucks because you're probably spending too much,
Speaker:you know,
Speaker:here or there and every little bit counts.
Speaker:Thank you so much for that show notes.
Speaker:You guys will be there with all the links as always
Speaker:Nicole. I so appreciate your showing up today with all of
Speaker:this great information,
Speaker:your vibe,
Speaker:your spirit.
Speaker:If anybody who has been listening has been thinking about jumping
Speaker:into this crazy little world of entrepreneurialship.
Speaker:I think that we've got them going now.
Speaker:It's because of a lot of what you're talking about.
Speaker:It doesn't have to be scary.
Speaker:You can start planning and guess what?
Speaker:Just like Nicole was talking about where she was doing it
Speaker:within her while she was still working,
Speaker:you guys can all get started right now today to put
Speaker:yourself on that path.
Speaker:So think about that.
Speaker:Okay, Nicole,
Speaker:again, love that you were here.
Speaker:So appreciate your time.
Speaker:All of your energy,
Speaker:all of your wisdom.
Speaker:I'm hoping you'll pick up like a million fans,
Speaker:either on Periscope live or something because this vibe will continue.
Speaker:This is how you show up every day.
Speaker:And Nicole made that motivational candle of yours continue to burn
Speaker:bright. Thank you.
Speaker:Where are you in your business building journey,
Speaker:whether you're just starting out or already running a business and
Speaker:you want to know your setup for success,
Speaker:find out why taking the gift biz quiz,
Speaker:access the quiz from your computer at Vic dot L Y
Speaker:slash a gift biz quiz or from your phone by texting
Speaker:gift biz quiz to four four two,
Speaker:two, two.
Speaker:Thanks for listening and be sure to join us for the
Speaker:next episode.
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