5 Time-Sucking Traps that Strip Your Productivity

  Let’s talk about the single biggest waste of money in your product-based business. Do you know what it is? Wait for it … … it’s your TIME! Using your time poorly will cause the biggest money-suck in your product business. It’s so easy to fool ourselves into thinking we’re being really productive in our…

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10 Business Lessons We Can Learn from Our Dogs

Sometimes it’s just what you need isn’t it? You walk in the door after a long day and there’s your furry friend, running up to you with love and affection as if you are, without doubt, the most important person in the whole entire world. And of course you are … to him (her). What…

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3 Ways to Identify What Business You Should Start

You’ve been saying it for years. “Someday I want to start a business of my own.” You really mean it. But the years continue to march on and still, you haven’t taken the first step. Maybe it’s because you can’t decide what your business should be. Every week for the last two years I’ve been…

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3 Traits of a Born Entrepreneur – Do You Have Them?

The lifestyle of an entrepreneur seems so glamorous, right? Impressions aside, it is definitely not for everyone. Answer these three questions to determine if you have what it takes to be successful in an entrepreneurial world. Know that when you look at a successful etsy business or retail shop, you’re really only seeing their highlight…

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