How to Get More Foot Traffic into Your Shop

How to Get More Foot Traffic into Your Shop

Do you have a brick-and-mortar location? Then you know how important it is to get people into your shop. Without them, you might as well sell your products solely online – where you don’t have to worry about additional overhead costs like a lease, electricity, staffing, and more. But then how will customers touch, use,…

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How to Use Hashtags for Your Product Business

hashtags for your product business

So discouraging! You’re posting regularly to social media, but your followers aren’t converting to customers. Or you’ve been trying to grow your following but no matter what you try, your numbers remain the same—okay maybe you see a little increase. Either way, you know the results can be so much better. But how? Start using…

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How to Grow Your Product Business

How to Grow Your Product Business

Learning to grow a product business can be a fulfilling and invigorating process that doesn’t get enough attention or credit. On the other hand, it can also be incredibly frustrating as you attempt to get visibility and ultimately, the sales you need to thrive as a profitable business. I’ve run several of my own successful…

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