Tips & Talk 83 – What Do I Say in My Newsletters?

Email serves a different role in your business than your website, blog posts or even social. Its goal is to keep you top of mind with customers to deepen the connection leading to repeat purchases. It’s also a tool to stay in touch with those who find you online or meet you in person. You…

Tips & Talk 80 – 10 Things I LOVE about Canva

By now I’m sure you recognize how very important your product photos are. On Etsy for example, where you’re up against many others who sell handmade products similar to yours, a photo will be the differentiating factor in choosing who gets the sale. This extends to stopping the scroll and getting visibility on social media…

Tips & Talk 68 – 7 Business Best Practices You Should Know

A few weeks back I was at a podcasting conference called Podfest. Seriously one of the best events I’ve ever attended in terms of learning timely and relevant new things and meeting the most incredible people. How does this apply to you? You’re not a podcaster (most likely) but, I see applications that most definitely…

374 – BASH – How to Start Your Email List

Today we’re talking about how to start an email list for your business. Now, more than ever, it’s important to put email marketing into place. I know it can seem daunting but when you know the steps to getting started, you’ll see it’s not that difficult at all. The subject of email marketing has been…

Tips & Talk 65 – What To Do About Your Lurkers

People come in your shop or show booth, pick things up, chat for a while and don’t buy. Or your Facebook page has hundreds or even thousands of followers, many who contribute by posting and commenting but they never support you through sales or take part in your special promotions. Or there’s a lot of…