How to Strengthen your Business during Downtime

How to Strengthen Your Business During a Downtime

  Every business has downtime–either it’s a seasonal business, a traditionally slow month or possibly a pandemic wreaking havoc across the globe. We all know this is no longer a far-fetched possibility! Wherever your downtime comes from, it’s important to use it wisely. In the case of unexpected business decreases, give yourself some time to…

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How to Grow Your Product Business

How to Grow Your Product Business

Learning to grow a product business can be a fulfilling and invigorating process that doesn’t get enough attention or credit. On the other hand, it can also be incredibly frustrating as you attempt to get visibility and ultimately, the sales you need to thrive as a profitable business. I’ve run several of my own successful…

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How to Know When You’ve Reached Success

I’m very lucky to have quite a few awesome friends. I want to introduce you to several of them. NOTE: These are not their real names or photos because they don’t know I’m writing this and well, you know … not everyone wants their life displayed online. Amy – A professional career woman from the…

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5 Time-Sucking Traps that Strip Your Productivity

  Let’s talk about the single biggest waste of money in your product-based business. Do you know what it is? Wait for it … … it’s your TIME! Using your time poorly will cause the biggest money-suck in your product business. It’s so easy to fool ourselves into thinking we’re being really productive in our…

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